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#1) As in real life, when hungry, one can drink fluids (i.e. water) to fill an empty stomach. This, while it does not add to the calorie count for energy, satisfies the "hunger pains" temporarily. The use of water in The Long Dark should be modified so that in the event one cannot locate a ready source of food, as long as "potable" water is available, it can be consumed to positively raise the hunger meter, while food must still be consumed to raise the caloric count itself. The hunger meter would take longer time to decrease negatively. You could do more activities and/or sleep longer w/o the need to eat as often as long as water is being consumed to "fill" the stomach.

#2) Water consumption should be able to positively "fill" the hunger meter on the basis of consuming partial meals. Again, as in real life, one could consume a small meal (not enough to make the meter "full" and/or snack, and while not yet full in terms of appetite, consuming water would give the stomach the sensation of being full w/o having to consume more food.

NOTE: Water consumption would NOT raise the caloric intake number, it would simply keep the hunger meter from dropping as if you had nothing whatsoever in your stomach.Nevertheless, you would ultimately starve w/o food after some time, but water itself could give you precious time needed to make it until that "next kill" or food supply cache found in game. Water could be used to hold back hunger/starvation as well as to quench thirst.

EXAMPLE: You're hunger meter has reached the "Ravenous" notification. Here, you would consume water, not just to "slate" your thirst. Originally, you couldn't drink any more water once your THIRST meter is "slate". Okay, after this happens, you could continue to consume more water. Why? The water consumption would literally halt the decrease in your hunger meter temporarily. If you would consume water, it would temporarily keep your hunger meter from decreasing as long you consumed enough water i.e. "stomach is full". This is NOT the same notification as not being hungry. You could consume water to "fill the stomach" anytime, as long as the hunger meter is not already at 100%.

The game developers would determine the amount of time (in hours) that it would offset your hunger meter. After which, the hunger meter would start to fall as before. They'd also determine how much water you'd need to consume to fill a completely empty stomach. My guess is anywhere from 1/2 gallon of water.

SUMMARY: Water consumption can give the stomach the sensation of feeling full after a small snack and/or meal, but also help slow the onset of starvation by literally filling the stomach to make the brain "feel" full when there is no food present in the stomach. This would make already useful resources more useful. Please modify water's use in this matter; thank you!



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