A Wish~For Difficulty


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I just wish for one thing. A Difficulty option that makes it realistic in several ways.

1* Animals in this of course would not attack you off the bat, but as more days pass (50>) they get more aggressive. The more in an area the more chances of you being torn apart by a pack. rather than being attacked by just one wolf.

2*Time would be relative to your PC clock so if it's night for you then the game would be night, the gametime clock would be set to 24 hours of course and goes along with your time just like Take On Mars does it. (yes I know you'd beable to just tweak your PC clock, but wheres the integrity in that?). Instead of fast forward with sleep, your character rests in real time, the amount of time he/she rests depends on when you turn the game back on and wake them up. To make up for resources I'd suggest making things far more scarce.

3*Calories based on actual realism, the ability to over-eat and become sick/lose stamina, the possibility to flush yourself out or Hyponatremia.

4*Blizzard Blindness, Frostbite care, and the need to stitch yourself up, apply a splint, or heat up a tub of water to fight frostbite. Your character requires more care and more complex means of healing through extended application.

So why would this be good for the game? I know it's not meant to be a simulation, and by no means should it be as a base game, but for the challenge I think this would make the player want to explore more carfully to take in his/her surroundings even more and being both self aware and situationally aware of their enviroment. This form of difficulty would be met as a challenge seen as it may be easy at first, but as you progress it would get harder and harder as prey animals become more scarce, predators get more hostile, and non-perishable supplies run out much faster since there's hardly any to begin with. So yeah, a "Challenge" difficulty that has two ending. You die, or you last 200 Days and earn some kind of useful tool/item that carries over into other difficulties and into story mode + an acheivment.

I know 200 days with Real Time Sync would be nuts, but hey. Long as you get what you need before bed time you should be fine, right?

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1) +1, love this idea.

2) -1, It would ALWAYS be the same time of day when I played the game, since I work full-time with a set schedule. I'd also only be able to get like an hour of survival in, a couple of times a week, since I don't get to play very often.

3) -1 ehh... Though thats a neat idea, I feel like it'd be difficult to program, as well as kind of annoying for gameplay.

4) +1 I like the slightly more elaborate first aid ideas.

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2*Time would be relative to your PC clock so if it's night for you then the game would be night, the gametime clock would be set to 24 hours of course and goes along with your time just like Take On Mars does it. (yes I know you'd beable to just tweak your PC clock, but wheres the integrity in that?). Instead of fast forward with sleep, your character rests in real time, the amount of time he/she rests depends on when you turn the game back on and wake them up. To make up for resources I'd suggest making things far more scarce.

3*Calories based on actual realism, the ability to over-eat and become sick/lose stamina, the possibility to flush yourself out or Hyponatremia.

If I play for an hour every day at exactly the same time, I'd always have the same time of day in game, but would this also mean the game world continued to "live" for 24 hours?

What happens to your calorie burn while being offline?

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1* Animals in this of course would not attack you off the bat, but as more days pass (50>) they get more aggressive. The more in an area the more chances of you being torn apart by a pack. rather than being attacked by just one wolf.

+1 for a "gets harder over time" mode even if it just keeps upping the difficulty after a set number of days.

2*Time would be relative to your PC clock so if it's night for you then the game would be night, the gametime clock would be set to 24 hours of course and goes along with your time just like Take On Mars does it. (yes I know you'd beable to just tweak your PC clock, but wheres the integrity in that?). Instead of fast forward with sleep, your character rests in real time, the amount of time he/she rests depends on when you turn the game back on and wake them up. To make up for resources I'd suggest making things far more scarce.

Sorry, but this is just ludicrous. BUT +1 for an option to set our own IRL:Game time ratio.

3*Calories based on actual realism, the ability to over-eat and become sick/lose stamina, the possibility to flush yourself out or Hyponatremia.

Well the current calories are actually pretty much made so the game can never have any down times. If I hunt down a deer and harvest it's meat that gives me around 8Kg with 800Kcal witch is enough for around 2 days?

Personally I'd like to have some rest sometimes, but I'm afraid that might just mess with the game's balance. Not sure, but we'd have to come up with more then just "realism". :P

4*Blizzard Blindness, Frostbite care, and the need to stitch yourself up, apply a splint, or heat up a tub of water to fight frostbite. Your character requires more care and more complex means of healing through extended application.

Hmmm... I'm on the fence with this one. I like the idea of having a bit more complex health/first aid system, but I'm not sure if it wouldn't just end up as an annoyance rather then fun. Let's see what others have in mind.

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You guys are right. 2* isn't a good idea since a lot of people work. I'd say keep it optional, but would be harsh on those who can't make the time to do it and not be stuck in the dark every game session when they get off work. It would be a good idea for the Option to adjust your in game 24 Hour Lengths to match whatever time ranging from base game timeframe up to realistic 24. Good idea bud!

Number 3* True, though you'd always have down times here and there. Pushign a body too much results in more injury, sickness, and running risk of exhaustion.

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  • 5 weeks later...

For added difficulty, maybe just tweak the animal respawn rate?

First, make the base spawn rate (in days) greater than the number of days that you could survive off the meat you harvested. This way you can't just cycle on one deer spawn?

Next, maybe make respawn rates based not only on time (since the last kill) but also on the presence/absence of nearby animal spawn areas. In other words:

-kill one particular deer, wait a few days and it respawns.

-kill one particular deer, and also the nearest deer, and also the next nearest deer; then you have to wait several weeks for all three of them to to start respawning.


Or, some variation on this type of scaling.

In this way you can't simply keep a nice safe cycle of using the closest convenient deer.

This would force you to scout further, hunt at greater distances, and really stretch your comfort zone. This would also give more chance for the games existing challenge features to affect you (e.g. wolves, weather).

It also means that a character that's just starting out, and still a nomad, isn't unnecessarily penalized. Since they're on the move scavenging, they wouldn't feel the pressure of depleting one particular area.


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