v270 Fire mechanics


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I find the fire mechanics a bit off or too simplistic, on several grounds.

a) the probability the game shows for igniting a fire does not fit with the actual times a fire is ignited (it shouldn't fit as it's a probability and luck gets into it) but out of 15+ tries on 80% chance, I'd say about half only ignited the fire. I guess 80% is the chance for each of the 3 stages for igniting a fire (match, tinder, branch) and so a fire starting would be 0.8*0.8*0.8 about 51% (about what I got ingame).There may be room for refinement: match probability may vary according to condition (somewhat damp or poor matches won't ignite, tinder material (paper should be about 0.9 while natural materials about 0.5 - 0.7, perhaps including a activity for making fine tinder or whitle out of sticks and with a 0.8 probability), fuel material (that is in game, a log drops the probability versus a stick).

b) a failed fire ingame consumes all materials involved (match, tinder, branch and optional accelerant). In real life that is not quite so. If the match fails, you need only try again with another (only the match is gone). If tinder fails, you need to supply a new tinder and match and the singed branch should be somewhat more flammable this time. Again, if the branch doesn't catch fire, it isn't burned and you need only apply match and tinder (plus, the branch should be a much easier to ignite now).

c) quantities involved in fire starting could be refined. As tinder you rarely need more than 2 sheets of paper/magazine, if that (not that I'm an expert but I had my share) so a book or magazine and even newspaper might suffice several tries (number of pages?). Same for accelerant. More, one could choose to put more tinder (paper, natural material or combination) and thus save precious accelerant or paper or whatever technological and hard to find items

d) last but not least, could you make the fire starting a bit more interactive? At least choosing the ammount of ressources to be added, not only material. Or, making a minigame, blowing the embers just right (something like the power attack with the wolf?) if not 3D, manually making and adding whittle / sticks where the embers seem hottest. Or (optional, for atmosphere), manually place the components and tend to it until ignited, but real time (not x12 time like it is ingame) and taking into account placement, timing, materials, heat and so on.

Fire raised us from primitives. In a survival situation, it should be very much in focus (forgive the pun).


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