ideas and missing key features


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ok i have played for a few hours and i already figured out that there is

a few big missing feature.

Jumping. (can be essential for some survival situation)

interaction with surrounding ( like tree branch, rocky elevation, etc.)

ropes ( used for climbing, trapping bigger prey, pulling stuff, etc )

your character can use gun, create arrow, run and carry stuff, but can't jump.

so i was wondering if it was intended like this or will jumping be implemented.

concerning interaction with your surrounding.


would it be possible in futur development to be able

to get branches or simply to cut down the whole tree for firewood.


small stone to pickup and use has ammunition in a slingshot.

medium to create firespot.

also it could be nice to be able to interact with high rock to climb them.

this would be helpful when running from bear and such, or to find hidden cave.

in the hope that i am useful in any ways to make this already beautiful game even more awesome

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You can find some answers in the Wishlist-Thread ;)

That's actually where I'll be moving this post. Jumping is a topic that has eaten up a number of threads, but in the interest of saving you time on the search: It's a mechanic we're not planning to add unless we feel it adds something meaningful to the experience. It would require a lot of work (basically re-mapping the entire game) for a function that won't serve an actual purpose.

Thanks for all of the suggestions. You'll likely find a couple of existing conversations to join in on in the Wish List forum that might interest you -- Welcome to the forums! =)

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  • 2 weeks later...

...(basically re-mapping the entire game)...

Ah now that's an interesting information that's useful to know. So basically jumping isn't just a "Lift off of the ground this much then fall back." command, but actually needs some specific work done on the whole map?

That's something we can actually understand then.

Though a "Press button to step over 1cm high board." option is still a nice idea. :mrgreen:

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