Outdoor shelter


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Something I'd like to see in game eventually is outdoor shelters. These could take a number of forms. Firstly there could be some scratch built from materials found in the environment which of course would mean a trade off between the protection gained against the energy used in construction. There could be tents that could be found or even more simply a poncho or basha type shelter as slept under by me on numerous weekends on Salisbury Plain when I was a weekend warrior years ago. Something as simple like that, cutting down the windchill factor could make the difference when forced to spend the night outside.

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The option to build a snow shelter was indeed part of the interface many versions ago. It was removed without explanation before I had the chance to try it, so I don't know if it ever worked or not.

With the current maps building a shelter is not really needed (although it can be handy from time to time). If maps are added with more open area/ less buildings/ buildings farther apart, building a shelter can become a necessity for survival.

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