Grizzly Bears

random calliope

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Thanks for that link. It has a lot of interesting analysis and speculation.

After posting this question I was reading up on the grizzly and learned that it does compete for territory with the black bear. On the BC islands there is either black bear or grizzly, but usually not both.

"The segregation of black bear and grizzly bear populations is possibly due to competitive exclusion. In certain areas, grizzly bears outcompete black bears for the same resources.[80] For example, many Pacific coastal islands off British Columbia and Alaska support either the black bear or the grizzly, but rarely both.[81] In regions where both species coexist, they are divided by landscape gradients such as age of forest, elevation and openness of land. Grizzly bears tend to favor old forests with high productivity, higher elevations and more open habitats compared with black bears.[80]" (Source: Wikipedia)

In my mind this doesn't rule them out of the game, but they'd likely only be where black bears are not. Another area over a mountain range, for instance.

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That is interesting; I've definitely been to many areas where you can encounter either species. Must be diffeent for small islands...? hmm

What I meant in my post is that grizzly bears are specifically not on Vancouver Island... it's not part of their range. :)


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I could see adding a kodiak bear (or a polar bear) as a unique creature in one (random?) map, in addition to or in place of other bears.

I'd have it behave like standard TLD bears, but make it indestructible. Waste all the bullets you want, it isn't a walking calorie bomb, and it isn't going away.

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