Animal Ransacked Cabin


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Just as an atmospheric bit, how about a cabin with a broken window or a door hanging from one hinge, and a thoroughly ruined interior with obvious signs that it was torn apart by a bear?

Not suggesting that animals actually enter cabins, but this would scare the crap out of a new player!

Just so this doesn't remove item drops from a map, it could be an alternative to one of the burned out cabins/houses already generated for a map. Or it might be a permanent location on a future map.

Or, it could be done as a main-map interior (like lookout towers), and animal entry (through a broken window or smashed door) might be a real possibility. Maybe as the only "civilized" location on a (future) all-wilderness map.


I like this idea. Not only would it be interesting and forboding, but its also completely plausible to find something like this. Many trappers barricade the windows and doors (e.g. with boards that have many nails pounded through--think 'bed of nails' idea) of their remote cabins to keep bears out.


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