Move UI elements closer together


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In many of the UI screens, the elements (buttons etc) are very far apart. One example is the fire UI.

When you are boiling water, you need to select the amount of snow to melt on the left side, then move your cursor to the button in the lower right hand corner, then move it back to the left to select the boil option and choose the amount of water to boil and then back to the corner button to actually boil it. Then to add some fuel you have to go to the upper left hand corner to select a different tab, go down a ways to select the fuel you want to add and again to the right hand corner to actually add the fuel.

On a full HD resolution, that's a lot of going about with your cursor. Many other UI screens have the same issue to some extent. I would really appreciate it if the elements could be put closer together. It would make for a smoother experience.


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