Eat and Drink - minor menu improvement


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I find it a bit tedious the number of clicks to deal with thirst and hunger.

Here's typical example:

Tab - check hunger and thirst

Click to open Backpack

Click Food icon to show food screen in backpack

Select Water (or other drink item)

Click Drink

Click Back, but it goes to food inventory screen of backpack

- "now wait, how many calories exactly did I need?"

Back again to return to Tab screen, re-check calories needed

Click to open Backpack

Click Food icon to show food inventory screen in backpack

Select a Food item




While not horrible, this fairly long sequence of a dozen or more clicks happens every morning, and a couple times a day. More than once I forget whether I just drank or ate first, and recheck again. I feel like the zipper on the backpack is going to give out after all this! (OMG a backpack that degrades?!)

Every time I go through this, I feel like, this could be less clicks somehow. Perhaps something like this:

Tab - check stats

New "drink" icon at end of thirst bar, one click opens food inventory

Select a drink item


Back - now goes back to last screen, which is the TAB screen showing stats, I can see if hungry

New "eat" icon at end of hunger bar, takes me back to food inventory

Eat an item

Back (back to tab)


Or idk, maybe some other "eat and drink" screen similar to medical or repair or something. Anyway, goal is to make something as frequent as food and drink be less overall clicks.

I'd also love to be able to eat and drink while exchanging between backpack inventory and a container. I can see why that would be hard to implement though.


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