Painkiller Abuse


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While I do like the addition of wrist sprains in the July update, and the possibility of multiple sprains, it brings up a problem with the painkiller mechanic.When the character has more than one sprain, the player must choose and treat each individual sprain with a dose of painkillers -- two pills per sprain, up to eight pills.

That's not how painkillers work. It's actually a good way to die.

My suggestion would be that two pills treat one sprain. If the character has multiple sprains, the game automatically uses three pills to treat all sprains, but only one sprain is fully healed (random pick). The remaining sprains recur after a (variable?) period of time, when the player has to treat them again. Repeat until all sprains are healed. This will require the player to choose between using a lot more painkillers, or finding someplace to rest long enough for the sprains to heal.

Going further in that direction, painkillers might only allow the character to ignore injury effects for a (variable?) period of time, with rest being required to actually heal them.

Does anyone have another idea for sprain treatment/recovery? I also have a vague notion about using two or three sticks and a couple of bandages to make a splint...


I would like to see the entire sprain mechanic redone but I don't think that's a significant desire or concern for anyone at the moment. I think it's just a placeholder, or at least that's what I hope.


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