Gameplay Adjustments.


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My opinion on optimal changes and balance tweaks after playing.

Dehydration shouldn't be full on awake(based on real life)

Dehydration should be faster while awake(based on real life)

Going to sleep outside while not freezing shouldn't kill you from freezing, in real life you would wake up from the cold, change it so when your cold meter hits max while sleeping you get woken up(based on real life camping experiences), at the moment it doesnt wake you up and you die while asleep... which is wrong.

edit or rather, hunger should be 2-2.5x slower than thirst, atm its currently set at 1:1


Got to challenge one point here. Going to sleep while cold is one the leading causes of death during exposure. All the experts, mountaineers, etc. talk about how important it is to stay away and not drift off - into the long dark!

Got to challenge one point here. Going to sleep while cold is one the leading causes of death during exposure. All the experts, mountaineers, etc. talk about how important it is to stay away and not drift off - into the long dark!

In fact, in my understanding that's the entire point of the title of the game.


When i lived in tasmania i used to go camping, though most it got down too was like -5C, i had a 16C rated 2-3cm sleeping bag and some low quality tent and a pillow, my pillow had small icycles on it, it was VERY VERY DIFFICULT to get to sleep, took like 4-6 hours, normally its around 1-2 hours, and while in that temperature i woke up every 10-20 minutes because of the cold. I've never napped before in my entire life or even fell asleep, even while playing games for 42 hours straight at a lan. I need perfect silence and temperature to sleep, if it was near impossible to sleep while meditating at -5C, it would be IMPOSSIBLE to fall asleep in any temperature below that, i wouldn't be able to sleep at all, i would die from a stroke or heart attack 3-4 days later while still being awake. passing out just doesnt work for me.

For example severe cold is painful, if you were sleeping and someone ran into your room and stabbed you in the leg YOU WOULD WAKE UP, not stay asleep like in this game...

EDIT: Please change it so dehydration is more rapid while sprinting, doesn't seem to be any different.


Note about temperatures inside Quonset Gas Station...

In the shop I was standing naked and all temps were 0

In the garage part (workshop) it was -5

This is too warm in my opinion. I shouldn't be able to sleep naked in the bed here (with a +5 temp bonus) and it feel like 0c. I feel like this should be about at least another -5c (minus 5) to the garage part so if we do choose to sleep here that we at least need to keep some items of clothing on to keep our temps on the "+" side. It should be a struggle to stay warm in this building like it was before


The ability to fall asleep in any temperature is quite unrealistic.


Depends on insulation/thickness of walls or ground for temperature.


Comes a point where when the cold cant be overcome by the body and it stops shivering. This hypothermia is where that is at and -5C in a sleeping bag is not it. Severe cold is painful but past that point the body actually starts to feel warm and numb, and you can't control your body or bend your extremities. -20,-30C those temps will be the ones that kill you inside a tent and sleeping bag.

You aren't going to see those in Australia.

Depends on insulation/thickness of walls or ground for temperature.

Very true. This structure seems far to large to keep the temp @ -5c. The insulation looks non existant (although the snow would be helping to insulate the roof). The floor I think were tiles or cement so they would be quite cold. The structure looks fairly old so one could imagine cracks could occur especially being situated in a place such as this with blizzards battering it.

It just seems far too warm and there is no real reason to find another house if one can sleep here easily without clothes degrading etc (because once in bed the temp = 0c WITHOUT clothing). It's also got the workbench and a fire barrel! (note the fire barrel wasn't even lit).

Pre update (or a few updates ago) it seemed correct (you had to either light the fire barrel or wear clothing or both), now it seems too friendly/easy/un-realistic.

Either the overall temp is too high or the bed warmth bonus is too generous.


I understand that, but that still doesn't explain how you can sleep in such temperatures without hypothermia. Maybe make it so it wakes you up once cold is max if you try to sleep outside without hypothermia, but with it you sleep through the pain instead of initially waking to the change of temp the first time.

I have written a good system for sleep, but i doubt nothing will happen if i post it here anyway.


Getting burnt instantly from walking over fire is retarded too, it should take 3-5 seconds of standing on it. also the loss of condition while sleeping because thirst has maxed out within like 6 hours is retarded aswell. you dont lose health in real life everyday because you cant drink when you're asleep.

You do realize it is Alpha right?

It's not a guarantee things will or won't change, but it is still true.

Please keep the conversation civil moving forward. Feels like it might be getting a little defensive in here, so I'd rather say something now than have to stop something in the future.


Hey bethany i just wanted to say some ideas,

can u use a #if and #endif statement for prioritized input detection(controller/no controller) or have it so you can toggle controller on/off and when off use a basic no delay/lag/acceleration script for pc users like this:

that way the mouse issues would be resolved. (the issue here is because u use the same scripts for the console controller and pc mouse, you need a seperate as raw as possible script for the mouse to remove all lag and acceleration, just like source games)

The aiming in this game should be changed, instead of having it locked at a position with a 100% accurate raycast, have it so it moves very slowly with the tilt(thats already in the game when u try to move while aiming) happens just before and after a move so you have to wait a little bit for the ironsights to line up, and instead of having an accurate raycast make it have a circle influence of chance recoil. certain diameter based on length of shot.(or you know just use a chance % higher % based on closer distance with a circle raycast(sphere) increased to a certain size)

Maybe implement a heart attack/stroke chance, or increase condition penalty on no sleep based off day/night time cycle not exhaustion.

Implement a chance to pass out.

example of % based heart/attack/ and a pass out thing

'Being awake:

After 36 hours 2% increment of heart attack/stroke chance

after 24 hours 1% chance to fall asleep/pass out

after 24 hours 1% loss of health every hour.

caffeine/tea lowers chance to fall asleep by 3% for next 6 hours(half life), 1.5% for 6 hours after that(again half life)

Each hour after 24 hours of being awake unless getting atleast 3 hours sleep will induce a 1% penalty to condition for a day.(it already lowers fatique, e.g. coffee)'

the character looks like hes a 2 foot wide midget too close to the ground. But maybe that is unchangeable now based on door heights etc, should raise it a little imo. 20cm~, Maybe that is just a consequence of low poly and textured terrain.


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