As for the new update

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First and foremost: I love you, Hinterland.

What I love about the new update (and the game in general):

-The art. Oh god, I love the prettiness!

-The atmosphere.

-That there are no zombies, monsters, Raiders, bandits, or goats.

-The new interfaces, especially the animal cleaning interface.

What I would still like to see streamlined or tweeked (these are just opinions, btw):

-More areas. More items to craft.

-The ability to increase you carry weight (if only a little bit, perhaps with a better backpack, or skill-growth)

-Hunting bears! I have no idea how the heck to do that! The gun won't shoot quickly enough, you can't fight back, blah blah, It's super hard, waaa!

-I would like to be able to switch the "Open Inventory" button to a higher priority that the Start button; it seems odd that you would put it there when it is the button you use second-most, behind "Interact".

-I would also like to see an arrow that you can craft without an arrowhead, just because I have such a hard time finding a lot of scrap metal. Perhaps an arrow with less damage or something.

I can't think of anything else to complain about, so that's it. Again, I really love Hinterland. You guys are awesome.

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No complaints that I see, just feedback =)

Thanks for sharing. Have you discovered all three areas yet? We'll have a new one with the next update! There are also some useful threads in here about bear hunting. The community is great about sharing tips and tricks for things like that.

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Great comments! +1 for no goats.

-Hunting bears! I have no idea how the heck to do that! The gun won't shoot quickly enough, you can't fight back, blah blah, It's super hard, waaa!

There's a knack to it, it requires a bit of bravery. Keep at it! Also, always make sure your gun is in top condition before tussling with a bear, it helps significantly with accuracy. As Bethany said, you can browse around for more bear hunting tips.

-I would also like to see an arrow that you can craft without an arrowhead, just because I have such a hard time finding a lot of scrap metal. Perhaps an arrow with less damage or something.

There are certain areas with a whole lot of scrap metal. This is most likely a game balance thing, as finishing a bow and arrow (and having the skill to use it) makes you the king of the forest.

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I love Hinterland-

Already said that didn't I? Well, I do. And this community is pretty boss as well. I'm sure you are all sitting on pins and needles to hear about my bear related exploits.

Yeah, no. I still die horribly. On the bright side, I have learned to avoid the #@!*&%$ trees! Thanks, Octavian. Oh, and Bethany, I have totally explored all three areas. I wish I had some good feedback about it, but not really. Just more gushing.


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