[v.256] Taking all ammunition gives only 1 ammo


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I had 53 rounds of ammunition in a drawer in my base, and when I transferred it to my character all but 2-3 rounds disappeared! I looked around, checked all my inventory and nearby drawers, but nothing.. It was gone.

The only fix I found to it is transferring 10 rounds at a time, then it works normally.

Edit: I made a Reddit thread about it (https://www.reddit.com/r/thelongdark/co ... mmunition/) and it turns out the ammo disappears when ever you choose "take all" when you have 5 bullets or more. Choosing -1 of the full amount or anything less works fine, just not taking all the ammo and/or choosing "take all".

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Bug description:

When you take all ammunition from container it will delete all ammunition from container but only give you one bullet.


Repro steps: Place at least 5 ammo in container and then click "transfer all" or select the maximum amount and click "transfer"

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