Interesting transition zone idea.


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I had the idea of having a transition zone from one map to another new map. However this new transition zone would be a map itself. This new transition zone would be pure wilderness. Trees everywhere. You would have to plan ahead your travels and trek through this new transition zone. There will be few buildings. Maybe like 2-5 cabins.

It would a really interesting challenge and maybe impact the story mode.

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I agree, They already have two transition areas but it would be really awesome if they could add more while adding at least one thats just wilderness. The wilderness transition would lead you to a different one EX.

You spawn at mystery lake then you go to --> coastal highway then theres a transition to pleasant valley and one to (EXAMPLE NAME) Mountain Pass, you trek through mountain pass where its almost always either foggy or blizzard weather. Once you make it through Mountain Pass you go to another transition that may be more civilized

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