Male Characters are bad luck for me

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Has anyone noticed this. My first early games were as a male and I died all the time. My first long game ~50days was a female. I didn't even die, just realised I'd been stupid with resources early on.

So I start a male character in PV. I spawn at the Signal Hill, loot it and head down to the farmstead. Between the two I got a rifle, lantern, high-end coat, wool socks, wool long johns, thick wool sweater, mittens, insulated boots, toque. Basically the best winter gear short of furs.

I fixed it all up reading to go hunting stepped out my door and a bear from the right savaged me to death. My mistake for not using the exit with the outer chamber.

I guess I'll re-roll as a female, next time.

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Has anyone noticed this. My first early games were as a male and I died all the time.

Because they were your early games.

So I start a male character in PV. I spawn at the Signal Hill, loot it and head down to the farmstead. Between the two I got a rifle, lantern, high-end coat, wool socks, wool long johns, thick wool sweater, mittens, insulated boots, toque. Basically the best winter gear short of furs.

Seems to me as good luck.

I fixed it all up reading to go hunting stepped out my door and a bear from the right savaged me to death. My mistake for not using the exit with the outer chamber.

A mistake isn't a matter of luck, is it?

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