An Xbox One console gamer’s feedback and suggestions


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Firstly I just wanted to say overall I love this game and am so grateful Microsoft have launched the early access scheme so we can support smaller developers. TLD is one of those rare games on a console that feels new and refreshing rather than another sequel or clone like so many others. I’ve not felt like this about a game for a long while so thank you Hinterland.

I’ve only played the game for one day so these are very much first impressions:

The load times are quick and the visuals are great. I love the sounds too which is often overlooked in games. My character could do with speaking a little more as the verbal feedback is nice and helps you connect.

The controls feel overall pretty natural but I think there maybe some value in a few console specific button hints. I struggled to figure out how to light/extinguish my lamp, for example. Console gamers are often more causal gamers and are used a little hand holding :)

I also think a screen prompt of some sort displaying when you’re crouching would be good as I have found myself wondering why I’ve been going so slow and then realising it’s because I’m crouched (the difference in POV from standing to crouching is very little).

I struggle sometimes to highlight items on the ground to pick up. Things like rifle bullets are very small and it’s tricky to get the cursor over it (I’ve read on here other’s having the same problem). A type of snap to (a bit like FPS auto aim) might help as the analogue controls lack the finesse of a computer mouse.

So anyway, that’s my first impressions. Keep up the great work, I think this game is something very special and I can’t wait to see how it develops.

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