This Game Puts Me to Sleep!


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Made ya look.

I love The Long Dark, probably the best EA game I've played. I enjoy the look and feel, love the approach to survival simulation, but mostly ... the atmosphere. It's incredible!

Barely a week and a half ago my wife and I had our first child. I've been playing TLD on my PC for some time, but thought it would be easier to set it up on my Xbox One to play while rocking my baby to sleep. So I purchased it for Xbox, proceeded to light a fire in the cabin off of Mystery Lake and actually feel asleep to the incredible sounds of the wind howling and a fire crackling. It just sounds so perfect.

Keep it up, Hinterland. :)

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It's funny, but when I read the title to your post, I didn't take it negatively at all. My first thought was of this video someone shared a while back. This was before we updated our skies, but it's still quite nice. I left it running as I read one night, and definitely drifted off =)

Thanks for the kind words! So glad you're enjoying yourself (and your naps).

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