Possible "Dual Survivor" Online Co-Op Mode?

Agent 21

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First of all I just want to say you've made such an addicting game haha. The "figure it out yourself" open-ended gameplay style is right up my alley, and I've been hooked since downloading it on XBox One yesterday. I also got a few of my friends hooked, so 4 of us are now addicted to surviving haha.

That lead to a conversation about a co-op mode for like 2-3 players online where you ALL have to survive. It would be cool to try and coordinate surviving. You could make plans to have one person gathering food and the other is building the camp or things like that. Maybe add the ability to boost/pull each other up higher rocks or ledges or whatever. I'm sure the community here could come up with cool ways to implement a dual surviving mode. The single player is so fun, and sometimes nerve-wracking when your vitals are going down or something happens. I bet worrying about your partner too would just add to that. You could have challenges like get to a certain point in a certain amount of time, or just the straight "don't die" survival mode.

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No, as has been discussed already many times, the devs will not be making a coop or multiplayer mode for this edition of The Long Dark.

It was specifically designed with first person view, single player intention only - and so all the mechanics, lot, layouts, UI, and timeshifted activities are based around single player only.

Besides timeshifting mechanics [which negates running multiple players within the same game], 3rd party animations would also be required, which would mean having to forfeit a lot of the programming time needed to complete the rest game.

There will be NPC added for interaction when the story mode is completed and released later this year.

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No problem... and yeah, it's so easy to get completely hooked on The Long Dark...

You'll know when you've been playing too much when you leave your home to go for a walk or to go to the store... hear some birds... and then immediately start racing around looking for dead bodies :lol:

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