Falling thru the floor: Quonset Gasstation


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Falling thru the floor: Quonset Gasstation

Entered the gas station via backdoor, walked direction the reception desk. Somewhere there I fell thru. All I could do was hit ESC and do a steam screen save. The view of this screenshot is falling, as seen from below the building. I could not reproduce it. :roll:


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In case it happens again, F8 also takes a screenshot and includes the details like the version number and location coordinates to help the devs track down the areas that may need to be rechecked.

Which version number are you playing, and was it from a fresh run or is it using a save game from a version prior to the update? That info may help the devs determine if it's a version compatibility issues, or a clean collision issue since a lot of the geometry had to be moved in the game.

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thank you, will try and do that. I was afraid of dying, hence the quick ESC. Yes, this was a saved game from previous version. Today I started a new sandbox just for version v236 to better help reporting on bugs without transition from older version.

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