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I had found some decent maps but they still have missing objects and inaccuracies. I am hoping people here might share an updated, personal or more accurate versions. Thanks ahead of time to all that answer.

Pleasant Valley Map: This one is wrong showing a cave where there is none and moved by me to it's corrected location:

* * * * *

Coastal Highway Map: This one is missing the small islands from Jackrabbit Island to the shore and "The Tooth" plus it doesn't show the 2 small islands on the horizon that I assume it's unsafe to get to:

Another version of that:

* * * * *

Mystery Lake: As far as I know this is the most accurate of this location: ( missing the label "Dave's Quiet Clearing" )

This is the best hand drawn one I have seen: ( the path from the Forestry Lookout to the Clear Cut is misleading )

Another good effort:

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I thought I would get a couple of responses but as of yet none.

I came across a few more nice efforts that I thought I would share:

Coastal Highway ( Using topographic map sections. Strangely the ice warnings were done upside down. It looks like this may have been an earlier version of the game where maps were provided since there is some HUD information present )

Coastal Highway ( More art that accuracy to scale )

Another take on Mystery Lake: ( wrongfully makes the Forestry Lookout very close to the Camp Office )

Has anyone seen one made for the expanded Ravine?

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