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What would make a region perfect for you? Me personally I always love  costal regions. I also love when regions with something unique about them like ZOC gas or ash canyons burdened down forest or timberwolves.I just wanna see what parts of regions make people like them and if you could make a region what would it be like?

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Hi, for me a dream region is one, that is supporting long time survival with giving some challenge to keep things interesting.
I recently started a Stalker run to test the cougar feat in Forsaken Airfield and after getting settled, I decided to do a one region run. It is working out quite well. I got decent clothes, was able to forge, reached cooking level 5 and now a moose hide is curing by day 45. With that experience FA is almost perfect. Lots of resources to start a run, a forge and enough things to support a long run.

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Honestly I don't think it's any particular thing, just the way the place feels to me....  

I suppose practically though that more animals would be nice on every map...

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Big wooded region with rolling hills, a few scattered streams and lakes, a few simple shelters (~Mindful Cabin), a couple of caves. Mostly wilderness; a place to live off the land, like HRV but forested rather than canyon. 

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Agree,  a big forest is something I'd like. We don't have a lot of wooded areas / forest. Where's the biggest? Birch forest in Pleasant Valley?

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I don't know. I feel many regions in The Long Dark ask for a Stalker (the franchise) and Silent Hill tone, like the tunnel going deep in Far Range Branch Line. It feels half baked. I would like more of that. I also like something plain, desert, the wasteland vibes. Forsaken Airfield fitts well in that apocalypse theme, but could be much better, in my opinion.

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Ski resort town. I like settlements, but pure wilderness is awesome, too. Many ski resorts in BC are surrounded by literally nothing but wilderness. So that would fit.


Somewhere with a lot of interesting explorable interiors (ex. why I love ZoC) yet a big wilderness nearby to get lost in.


A city would be cool but wouldn't make sense on Great Bear Island. Would be cool if Wintemute ended with the survivor finally making it to the mainland - Vancouver - and it's just as dead & deserted. Fade to black.


Perhaps a region that is mostly cave BUT with isolated pockets of wooded area here and there, like large galleries and domes in which trees could grow underground and it’s slightly above freezing. You could fish there, maybe pick (renewable) berries, or gather Birch sap to boil down into Birch Syrup. These types of pockets actually exist in natural cave systems, so I wouldn’t be surprised to find them on Great Bear! You could climb out of these isolated pockets and explore above ground, too, where it would still frozen winter, unrelenting.

As it stands right now, Sundered Pass is pretty close to the “perfect region” for me. For as much time as I spend there, I’ve yet to see it all simply because it’s so challenging.


This is kind of a joke answer, but I would like some sort of ski resort.

A more serious answer would be a forest region with a train yard, and a lumber mill. This region would be accessed at the closed off tunnel at the Train Unloading area in Coastal Highway, however of course the tunnel would be open now. The region, I would imagine to be rather small, roughly the same size as Broken Railroad. The lumber mill would be a solid place to make your home, as it would have living spaces for former workers.

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