Why would it be the case that a rock cache can’t be placed here, or here?

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5 hours ago, ThePancakeLady said:

In the first image, I am guessing it has to do with slope. In the second image, I have no clue.

Nowhere on the flat dock works. I guess it’s because the dock is a model and not the terrain base. Maybe they can only be placed on the base terrain?

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Maybe the placement criteria is based on the similar campfire placement mechanism, which can't be placed either on slopes or on wooden surfaces. Campfires do have a bit more freedom for placement in caves tho, which is out of bounds for rock caches.

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3 hours ago, I_eat_only_wolf_meat said:

I can't think of any place that should be more "in bounds" for a rock cache.

Yes! And for all that, I leave piles of sticks and coal and skins and stones inside the entrances to caves. I really think there should be more container storage options in TLD.

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4 hours ago, I_eat_only_wolf_meat said:

Which is ironic.  I can't think of any place that should be more "in bounds" for a rock cache.

While I totally agree that it seems a little incongruous not to be able to build a rock cache in a cave as a form of storage - and I admit I've found that a little frustrating myself in the past - remember that the caches actually serve an orienteering function in the game too. I actually have a really consistent (but wholly unintentional) habit of building rock caches when the conditions are unsuited to mapping, so I rarely actually get to benefit from this function, but it's still a part of the game. I'd guess that's why you have to build them totally outdoors - they're meant to be a visual marker in the landscape as well as a form of storage, and they just wouldn't be visible in the back of a cave.

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