Cheating death - "safe" location?


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So I've just had my first try with cheating death.
Went for a respawn in a far, but safe location.
I assumed it would be a cave or house somewhere far from me but within the same map.
turned out to be teleporting to Hushed River Valley from the Zone of Contamination... eeer far indeed...
But the bigger problem was with "safe": i found myself in the middle of the map, almost naked, at about 25% condition surrounded with wolves.
Needless to say, I did not make it to the closest cave, so had to cheat death again.
This time it got me to Quonset, even further, but at least actually safe.

Is this normal? have others also been thrown in the middle of a wolf pack out in the open as a "safe location"?


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My first far but safe location was at the maintenance shed in broken, outside if I remember correctly... Not an issue on pilgrim but maybe it takes that into consideration... I'm not sure....   

Hrv really doesn't have many safe parts though , except maybe the unoccupied ice caves... Seems really unlucky to get that spawn..

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thanks for the info.
I've read up on some previous comments on the same and also the fandom - not sure how accurate it is.
It said that safe and far would always be an indoor location, but HRV has zero of those, except for one of the ice-cave systems (as you also mentioned).
I guess HRV should be taken out as possible "safe but far" location as-is. Perhaps the current "solution" can be considered a "bug"...?

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Yeah, I've done "far but safe" in Stalker- and each time was dropped back in outdoors, near predators but not right within their detection range, the same way I would spawn in at the start of a new run. I am guessing the respawn will follow the same rules as an initial spawn follows by mode- Stalker and Loper you are not going to spawn in indoors in an initial spawn, so you won't during a Cheat Death respawn, and you may spawn in near predators and have to move in the right direction to not have them detect you immediately. The same way an initial spawn at a new save start can happen. The Wiki has unfortunately had more inaccuracies on it since TFTFT first dropped than it used to in the past. Some old information that isn't accurate after all of the updates has been left up and not edited out, and other new information isn't always accurate or complete. It's good of the people writing the Wiki to keep doing it, but I don't trust it like I used to. It's player-made, not vetted or authored/confirmed by HL.


TL;DR: It may depend on what mode you are playing in, OP. Not sure it's a bug, but it won't hurt to report it in case something isn't working like it should.

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Thanks @ThePancakeLady,

It was stalker, so apparently I'm not the only one respawning outside.
Yet, I still do not find it "safe" at all, for that matter, I could have chosen for the near but risky, tbh... and am still not sure it is meant to be like this...

To be fair, i was not in their detection range, but the middle of HRV map is a bear zone, which I wanted to leave asap..., and there were two packs of wolves very near...
the fact that it was the middle of the map also suggests to me, that as the algorithm has not found any inside location in that map, it defaulted to the center of it...
Would be great to get some clarity on the intentions here though...

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I think the "safe" location is simply meant to mean "away from whatever just killed you".
As in, it won't dump you in the same timberwolf pack you just died to, or the same blizzard etc.
Doesn't necessarily mean it won't dump you next to a different bear tho lol..

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8 hours ago, Talavaj said:

I think the "safe" location is simply meant to mean "away from whatever just killed you".
As in, it won't dump you in the same timberwolf pack you just died to, or the same blizzard etc.
Doesn't necessarily mean it won't dump you next to a different bear tho lol..

Mine was a cliff ,kind of hard to avoid on most maps lol... But you might have a point there...

Edited by Leeanda
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3 hours ago, Pyroxene said:

I've been having problems harvesting tin cans after cheating death.

are you sure you have anything sharp with you? ie knife, hatchet or can opener...?
without those the can is smashed open and you do not get an empty can, some of the food might even be lost.


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