A Compass


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I would add a compass anyway, with a needle that spins counterclockwise.

A few other items that don't work because of the geomagnetic storm might be nice as well, just to drive the point home. Flashlights with burnt out bulbs, cell phones that don't turn on, a GPS that doesn't turn on (unique item), stuff like that.

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I would add a compass anyway, with a needle that spins counterclockwise.

A few other items that don't work because of the geomagnetic storm might be nice as well, just to drive the point home. Flashlights with burnt out bulbs, cell phones that don't turn on, a GPS that doesn't turn on (unique item), stuff like that.

Ah! I see!

Forgot about the geomagnetic storm thing.

Incidentally, did you know that a solar flares produce enough energy for telegraphs to work without a power source (other then the solar flare itself?) True story.

Shame that nobody uses telegraphs anymore ;) Would be a totally cool story element...

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I'd like to see a compass that tells you "North" is in a different direction every time you check it.

I like this idea. A nice cammenga 3h with no purpose at all. The game, in my opinion, needs more useless items to help fill out the environment and give the player something to do while waiting for a storm to pass.

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Actually knowing N-S-E-W is not really necessary. I just find something to act as the center of my "universe" and orient to the horizon from there. For instance, stand near the front door to the Farmhouse in PV. Step back 10 to 15 paces and what do you see on the horizon. Take a screen shot, call it North. So the same for the other directions. Now I know how to get back to the center of my universe simply by watching the horizon. Lay out a few major landmarks to act as pointers (I use a piece of cedar wood). I always point the wood toward the center of my universe if my back it to the landmark. If I dont have a landmark then I use a piece of wood and a flare, with the flare pointing toward the center of my universe with the wood behind it. I do the same thing with 1 flare and 2 piece of wood to indicate an important point of interest (like a good shelter site).

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