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I want to start off with saying that I love playing The Long Dark.

The following is just a few wishes that I would like to see, but honestly even if I never have them (which is honestly realistic) I will keep playing and enjoying the game.

I would love to see a long abandoned Ski lodge. There are a few in British Columbia that could be used as reference, but it should be noted that the place went bankrupt a long time ago. Not so much something that has resources, but it would be great atmosphere and perhaps a way to spin the resort attempt on the island and how it all fell to pieces. The wildlife’s odd actions with the Arora’s caused some mishaps with the tourists and led to the demise of the attempt at a real tourist industry.

Along those lines you could also do a research station that had a zoo / marina to study the effects of the Arora’s (I assume the Arora’s effecting the animals isn’t new, just the amount of the solar flares and intensity has changed so there would be a history of events, in my head cannon anyway.) effects on the local fauna. The “attraction” open to the public could have been used to support the research. Maybe with a tiny amusement park. I’m not sure how many tourists there would be, but a merry-go-round and some shops might have been feasible. Seeing things turn on with the solar flares would be magical, and some cheesy music. I can dream.

I just love exploring the new locations. I don’t mind buying more DLC for more content in the future even if they are far fetched and never happening.

Realistically in the game as is I would love the Animal AI to act a little more realistic. I’m fine with the wolves being aggressive, but the way they jitter when they can’t figure out who can attack first is a bit odd (maybe make them act like timber wolves when there are a bunch together). The bears appearing and disappearing, doing the disco jitter is a bit sad for such a terrifying creature. I do love how all the things will stalk me while I am Smelly. With the wildlife reset this all might be fixed and the packs of animals might move more, so I have to move more in my games. I like the idea of how dynamic that sounds. I’ll have to see if I eat my socks once it’s implemented.

I think there should be a creature that comes and eats my stock piles of meat that are left outside in the world. Something to force me to make stone catches or be a bit more aware of my mountain of meat that tends to pile up at locations. A stoat that you can’t kill but just see little foot prints, or a fox. Even the crows or ravens would have a go at free meal that’s easy to grab and go with. Just little foot prints around the depleted pile, a feather or 2, or a bit of fur would be enough to tell me to stop being a moron and leaving all the food out in the open.

I’m really hoping the trader sells candles. I want something in my bases besides a lantern that I can light and let burn. I mean if I am going big I want to make candles and be able to have some nice atmosphere in my bases, but I’m willing to trade for them once I locate the trader.


I think I just want to play more of this game and I hope there will be more in the future. Even if there’s not another DLC and part 6 is that end, I’m still happy. Thank you for all the hard work. I’m 725 hours in and I can honestly say I’m a fan.

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