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With the new update (very excited btw) I've started a new run and decided to start in Desolation Point on Stalker difficulty.  Within the first in-game day I already have a hammer, hacksaw, lantern, 2 revolvers, 2 prybars 2 bed rolls, 2 jerry cans, 2 stims 5 skill books and a bow. 

I want to play with guns and things like mukluks but feel that the amount (not quality) of resources seems far too high.  Any suggestions on how I can scale this down, perhaps with custom settings? Maybe on custom adjust the Loose Item Availability to Low and Empty Container Chance to High and or Reduce Container Item Density to High perhaps?

I generally stay away from a custom game because I've had nothing but problems with them in the past (bugs/crashes) but would be willing to give it a try again hoping the issues I had have been fixed.


I play stalker almost exclusively... And I think the loot table is a little bugged right now... Started a new run in AC and in the first day I found 5, yes 5, packs of cardboard matches on a single rope bridge... 4 on the wooden ramp at one side then another on the ramp for the other side.


Play on Custom Sandbox and change "EMPTY CONTAINER CHANCE MODIFIER" to "HIGH", this will substantially reduce the number of items in the world, but as long as "LOOSE ITEM AVAILABILITY" is "MEDIUM" or higher items such as Mukluks can still spawn.

Here is a Custom Sandbox code based on Stalker settings but with Empty Container Chance Modifer changed to "HIGH".


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