Food poisoning delay


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Hmm, and if you'd eaten more than one questionable item, you'd have to consider your decisions more carefully...Yes?

That is of course true. However, TLD wants to put the player in a realistic game. The player itself is sitting in front of a computer in a warm leaving room. So the game has to interact with the player. Those things exist: freezing, cold, warm, warmer etc.

I suggest that the protagonist simply warns the player, e.g. by saying: " I'm not sure if eating another piece of adulterated food is a good idea."

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Adulterated food definitely doesn't sound like a good idea.

What do you mean by that? Don't you like the idea of the character warning the player? Is it the vocable (spoiled or tainted instead)? Maybe: "I'm not sure if eating another piece of food in a poor condition is a good idea."

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I think the food poisoning delay should (in part) be based on the condition of the food. If a player drinks something that is higher in quality, but tainted, then the delay should be longer. However, eating a haunch of raw venison with a red condition might have the player hurling in moments.

Overall, +1 to the OP!

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Adulterated food definitely doesn't sound like a good idea.

What do you mean by that? Don't you like the idea of the character warning the player? Is it the vocable (spoiled or tainted instead)? Maybe: "I'm not sure if eating another piece of food in a poor condition is a good idea."

I mean that eating something referred to as "adulterated food" a not good idea. :P

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Adulterated food definitely doesn't sound like a good idea.

What do you mean by that? Don't you like the idea of the character warning the player? Is it the vocable (spoiled or tainted instead)? Maybe: "I'm not sure if eating another piece of food in a poor condition is a good idea."

I mean that eating something referred to as "adulterated food" a not good idea. :P

It sure doesn't sound like it, no. But after having looked up adulterated, I realize it sounds (much) worse than it really is. Adulterated is "not pure"/ "mixed with 'foreign' contaminants". So if you put some salt and pepper on your venison, it is mixed with something not venison and no longer pure, and therefore it's adulterated :P

I must say, as a non native English speaker, I had a very different idea when I read "adulterated food". :D

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