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I just started the tale, made it to the weather station. What do I do from there? If anyone who played through this already knows what to do and in what order, I could really use your help 😄

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You need to wait for Aurora and find a cache with plot items near the weather station. For you to be able to do this, you need to fix the transmitter at the airfield.


2 hours ago, xanna said:

To put it another way, @K3V038 have you completed the first two Tales?

I did and finished the two prior tales, but on other runs that I already deleted...


According to the Last Horizon log, the first thing I would need to do is get to the weather station then use the hand-held shortwave to search the area. 

I will be doing so, eventually, in the same save game as I completed Signal Void and Buried Echoes so everything I did in those will remain in play (so to speak).  

Have you tried the hand-held shortwave?  Presumably it would or should work during the aurora or Glimmer Fog. 

I would guess that the devs in working out how to proceed assumed that at least the Forsaken Airfield transmitter would be in place, repaired and operational, since in a new save one has to go get the hand-held from the Airfield anyway.  Probably an oversight as they could have added a transmitter, even as an optional task at that, in Sundered Pass to deal with that potential issue.  

Good luck.

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