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I've noticed that the Vitamin C quantity in fish drops from "major" to "moderate" once it's cooks and then reverts to "minor" when it decays to the point of being "gamey."  So, I'm wondering about whether "sushi" is a viable cure for scurvy, although I suspect one might have to be prepared to get some food poisonings, but I'm not sure how big the risk of that is when eating raw fish.  Any thoughts on this out there?

I also think the vitamin C quantity might eventually drop to nothing as the cooked fish decays further.


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13 hours ago, Enigmaecho said:

Lighting bug: Enduring Waterfall path: when walking along the cave path the cave lights as though mid day clear skies looking out past the falls and the light in the cave abruptly shifts light to dark, this happened during an aurora

I've noticed this in other cave paths as well.

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2 hours ago, UpUpAway95 said:

I've noticed that the Vitamin C quantity in fish drops from "major" to "moderate" once it's cooks and then reverts to "minor" when it decays to the point of being "gamey."  So, I'm wondering about whether "sushi" is a viable cure for scurvy, although I suspect one might have to be prepared to get some food poisonings, but I'm not sure how big the risk of that is when eating raw fish.  Any thoughts on this out there?

I also think the vitamin C quantity might eventually drop to nothing as the cooked fish decays further.


I guess this means that more (renewable) vitamin C is available once you have Cooking 5, which might not be intended but it operates as an interesting balance mechanic

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On 12/7/2023 at 4:06 AM, mfuegemann said:

Also not a bug in itself, but the POV moving so rapidly in the harvesting animations is annoying me very much.
Even the "dampen camera motion" in the accessability options is not helping with that.
The animations could have some variations, too.

Yes I came here to post this complaint as well. The lurching of the camera during the harvesting animations is very motion sickness inducing. And you have to sit through it so many times just to process one animal. @Admin can we get an accessibility setting to turn these animations off? I really like the concept but they make me so nauseous 

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3 hours ago, hozz1235 said:

I've noticed this in other cave paths as well.

I went back in the day same things it was glimmer fog but looking out past falls crystal clear sky’s lol, come to think of it I think I remember it happening on the ash canyon path of the same type 🤔

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11 hours ago, Mistral said:

Nobody in NOGOA (or low recovery mode or some other harder variation) is gonna play through Tales. And I don't wanna play it anyway as I don't care about the story. Even if I did, what's the replay value

That’s a personal problem and simply not true overall. If no one loper+ wanted tales that side of the community wouldn’t have thrown the fit they did when it was said to be not in loper in the the first place, the region has a lot of supply and workbenches the argument that “why go for basic loot” is weak at best as that applies to literally any region why play on nogoa at all if you’re committed to doing the same safe strat over and over it’s very likely there will be an ammo forge in the last region making this a great resource hub to do a far territory only run your  complaints seem to be that you want the region made easier for your intentionally beyond the game setting’s difficulty, this touches back on a different thread about no bare hand harvest or micro harvest. Why set it to super challenge and play to brag on those settings just to cheese exploits and complain that they didn’t address the map from a pov of someone’s playing outside standard settings and the hardest possible settings at that. It’s very reminiscent of the meme shoving a stick in your own tire and blaming someone else

Edited by Enigmaecho
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1 hour ago, xanna said:

I guess this means that more (renewable) vitamin C is available once you have Cooking 5, which might not be intended but it operates as an interesting balance mechanic

I don't think cooking level 5 allows you to eat raw fish without a risk of getting food poisoning.  Doesn't it only stave off the risks of parasites and eating ruined cooked meats?  What I'm thinking is that you would eat before bed and with antibiotics available and then sleep for 10 hours to get rid of the food poisoning (in order to get the major dose of vitamin C from the fresh, raw fish.

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5 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

I don't think cooking level 5 allows you to eat raw fish without a risk of getting food poisoning.  Doesn't it only stave off the risks of parasites and eating ruined cooked meats?  What I'm thinking is that you would eat before bed and with antibiotics available and then sleep for 10 hours to get rid of the food poisoning (in order to get the major dose of vitamin C from the fresh, raw fish.

Doy, yes, of course you're right. That was a brain flip. Sorry 😬

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17 hours ago, Enigmaecho said:

Lighting bug: Enduring Waterfall path: when walking along the cave path the cave lights as though mid day clear skies looking out past the falls and the light in the cave abruptly shifts light to dark, this happened during an aurora

Like this?
(No audio)


I reported this in the support portal. Supportal.

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29 minutes ago, xanna said:

Like this?
(No audio)


I reported this in the support portal. Supportal.

Oh wow no not like that lol, the one I got was like in cartoons when it’s mid day and then a second later it’s midnight so while I was in the tunnel parts they brightened up then passing the falls it shifted back to night then back to day in the other side tunnel then night at the exit 

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On 12/7/2023 at 6:24 AM, UpUpAway95 said:

I still don't think they were thinking about "all" when suggesting that - something like scurvy (which was intentionally left out by the devs on older saves) should have had an "opt in" option for older saves - not that I would have selected it.  I don't think an option to opt in or out of the harvesting animations is feasible, short of playing the older version (which is not an option available on console, AFAIK).  Scurvy is also not active in all difficulty settings, which means a toggle could easily have been added to custom to turn it on or off (as they've done with other afflictions).  That wouldn't have solved anything for older saves, since custom options can only be set at the start of a new save.  Although I've requested an option to change "difficulty" related settings mid-game (mostly to allow for increasing difficulty after the player is somewhat established and to help alleviate late game boredom), HL has never even remotely entertained that idea.

I don't see why opting out of the harvesting animations wouldn't be feasible. They could simply show the loading wheel like they were doing before. 

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I'm playing on the new map and, boy, it is amazing! Still don't know why we cannot simply choose the new map from start, but after a (literal) 10-minute run of Pilgrim I arrived there, and then I started a fresh Custom Game.

I started far away from the "good stuff" (let's say I found Forsaken Airfield quite fast) and found a mine entrance before any actual building. And oh boy, having to explore and survive in those undergrounds at the beggining of the game was an awesome experience, very different from any other run I made.

Now I'm more or less established, but still exploring the map. I liked the meatless wolves, it's quite a twist. The chemical poisoning is a nice element, but I'm still not sure how the area effect works (it's more about sound than image, it seems, but it's odd). There are a few minor quirks, such as the useless hat, but nothing from the known bug list.

Thanks Hinterland for this excellent update!

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So I gave up, started a new save (as having to give up a year old save just to access new content because it was intentionally excluded from existing saves wasn't bad enough), now I come to realize that one of the custom recipes, lili's pancakes hasn't spawned in! Love it...

Not gonna lie, I love the game. But the recent updates have just been so messed up compared to how it used to be 3-4 years ago. Now things don't spawn in, bug out or when they actually do work they have questionable design choices like a weightless, unrepairable gas mask just so the player doesn't have to bother about keeping it in their inventory or not...no trade offs whatsoever. Same with the handheld shortwave.

As much as I try to see the good in it, the past updates just haven't been cutting it compared to a few years ago even tho there is so much potential. Stuff like the flask or travois in this one are amazing, minus a few tweaks but that can be dealt with later. But the rest I mentioned is just...I dunno...

I know Hinterland right now is busy with fixing bugs from this update, but I really hope they get everything from the past updates in line with how the game was years ago at some point.

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35 minutes ago, Laika Ivanova said:

So I gave up, started a new save (as having to give up a year old save just to access new content because it was intentionally excluded from existing saves wasn't bad enough), now I come to realize that one of the custom recipes, lili's pancakes hasn't spawned in! Love it...

Not gonna lie, I love the game. But the recent updates have just been so messed up compared to how it used to be 3-4 years ago. Now things don't spawn in, bug out or when they actually do work they have questionable design choices like a weightless, unrepairable gas mask just so the player doesn't have to bother about keeping it in their inventory or not...no trade offs whatsoever. Same with the handheld shortwave.

As much as I try to see the good in it, the past updates just haven't been cutting it compared to a few years ago even tho there is so much potential. Stuff like the flask or travois in this one are amazing, minus a few tweaks but that can be dealt with later. But the rest I mentioned is just...I dunno...

I know Hinterland right now is busy with fixing bugs from this update, but I really hope they get everything from the past updates in line with how the game was years ago at some point.

Lily'ls pancakes probably is there, but the hitboxes on the recipes can be really finicky.  It took me three trips to Foreman's Retreat and very specific directions of a good member here before I caught even a flash of an indication that something was there to be found.  It took several more minutes of moving my cursor around the area before I could get it to come up long enough for me to click on it and get the recipe.  (I play on a Xbox Series X and a lot of the hit boxes can be difficult from time to time.  Not sure if this is the same on PC, though.).

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Just now, UpUpAway95 said:

Lily'ls pancakes probably is there, but the hitboxes on the recipes can be really finicky.  It took me three trips to Foreman's Retreat and very specific directions of a good member here before I caught even a flash of an indication that something was there to be found.  It took several more minutes of moving my cursor around the area before I could get it to come up long enough for me to click on it and get the recipe.  (I play on a Xbox Series X and a lot of the hit boxes can be difficult from time to time.  Not sure if this is the same on PC, though.).

I know about all exact locations of it and tested it on multiple other new saves where they did spawn as intended. I just got extremely unlucky with starting a new save and having exactly that one not to spawn them. Perhaps they might have glitched underground or similar but they are definitely not where they are supposed to be.

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I would like to share my thoughts about new regions.
I just visited the Forsaken Airfield area in the new dlc. I also watched the reviews of the new map. The 2 new maps offer nothing for long runners. I can't believe I went through that long and arduous road to loot spoiled food, a rifle holster, and a bomber jacket I'll never use. I don't think I'll go to the airport again. I will probably feel the same in the contaminated area.
I think there are layers of difficulty in these areas, but there are no reasons for us to revisit the area again and again.
Such as Bleak Inlet, Blackrock, Forlorn Muskeg, Desolation Point.
For example, the Forsaken airfield could have had a lathe that could make arrows that were more effective, lethal, and had high long-range accuracy. Maybe it could house a meat drying oven. So the player might want to visit this place several times during his long run. Perhaps a strong spring similar to a sports bow could be produced.
After my visit to Forsaken airfield, it seems pointless to revisit these areas. When you add to this the long and meaningless road you have to travel to reach these areas, it becomes clear that the maps are disposable.
A few words need to be said about Travois. This tool, which makes life easier, has a very wide rotation angle, like heavy-duty trucks. I think this is not normal. It is necessary to be able to turn such a vehicle in any direction easily, but more importantly, I felt like I was using "horse glasses" while using this vehicle. It is not possible to look left, right or back. However, we should be able to easily look in the direction we want by using the right mouse button. I haven't seen any such option or key assignment.
To summarize briefly, TLD for me; It was an attractive game because it did not involve supernatural powers and tested the player with completely natural challenges. It still is. However, the new DLC does not offer a reasonable reason to use the new maps again. And I feel sorry for the time and effort spent on these maps.
These are my personal thoughts.
Unfortunately, I don't know English so I used Google Translator. I don't know if the translation accurately reflects my thoughts. I hope it doesn't cause any confusion.

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15 minutes ago, kimmer said:

I would like to share my thoughts about new regions.
I just visited the Forsaken Airfield area in the new dlc. I also watched the reviews of the new map. The 2 new maps offer nothing for long runners. I can't believe I went through that long and arduous road to loot spoiled food, a rifle holster, and a bomber jacket I'll never use. I don't think I'll go to the airport again. I will probably feel the same in the contaminated area.
I think there are layers of difficulty in these areas, but there are no reasons for us to revisit the area again and again.
Such as Bleak Inlet, Blackrock, Forlorn Muskeg, Desolation Point.
For example, the Forsaken airfield could have had a lathe that could make arrows that were more effective, lethal, and had high long-range accuracy. Maybe it could house a meat drying oven. So the player might want to visit this place several times during his long run. Perhaps a strong spring similar to a sports bow could be produced.
After my visit to Forsaken airfield, it seems pointless to revisit these areas. When you add to this the long and meaningless road you have to travel to reach these areas, it becomes clear that the maps are disposable.
A few words need to be said about Travois. This tool, which makes life easier, has a very wide rotation angle, like heavy-duty trucks. I think this is not normal. It is necessary to be able to turn such a vehicle in any direction easily, but more importantly, I felt like I was using "horse glasses" while using this vehicle. It is not possible to look left, right or back. However, we should be able to easily look in the direction we want by using the right mouse button. I haven't seen any such option or key assignment.
To summarize briefly, TLD for me; It was an attractive game because it did not involve supernatural powers and tested the player with completely natural challenges. It still is. However, the new DLC does not offer a reasonable reason to use the new maps again. And I feel sorry for the time and effort spent on these maps.
These are my personal thoughts.
Unfortunately, I don't know English so I used Google Translator. I don't know if the translation accurately reflects my thoughts. I hope it doesn't cause any confusion.

Always sucks to see this kind of sentiment on the things they’ve worked passionately on for us, the new regions are meant to be challenging the game is a decade old and vets have been asking for a challenge they finally give us a challenge and it’s met with complaints. The region offers a forge that alone makes it worth a visit the regions vastness adds a great deal of beauty to the scenery(which people seem to forget is the whole reason the game is in an oil painting art style) and though it seems huge it takes no longer to get shelter to shelter than to walk across pv the two new non load interiors at the mindful and drift cabin are fantastic for immersion there’s ample wildlife that’s easy af to find on big open feilds I was working on my 100days there when zone dropped now I can’t wait to spend 100 in the zone I’ve been exploring it for a month already just finished mapping, if your first impression is “never go back” I’d say that’s a bad one same with the zone, they’re hard because they’re new and unknown, cherish that because once you memorize a map 90% of the challenge is gone 


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1 hour ago, kimmer said:

I would like to share my thoughts about new regions.
I just visited the Forsaken Airfield area in the new dlc. I also watched the reviews of the new map. The 2 new maps offer nothing for long runners. I can't believe I went through that long and arduous road to loot spoiled food, a rifle holster, and a bomber jacket I'll never use. I don't think I'll go to the airport again. I will probably feel the same in the contaminated area.
I think there are layers of difficulty in these areas, but there are no reasons for us to revisit the area again and again.
Such as Bleak Inlet, Blackrock, Forlorn Muskeg, Desolation Point.
For example, the Forsaken airfield could have had a lathe that could make arrows that were more effective, lethal, and had high long-range accuracy. Maybe it could house a meat drying oven. So the player might want to visit this place several times during his long run. Perhaps a strong spring similar to a sports bow could be produced.
After my visit to Forsaken airfield, it seems pointless to revisit these areas. When you add to this the long and meaningless road you have to travel to reach these areas, it becomes clear that the maps are disposable.
A few words need to be said about Travois. This tool, which makes life easier, has a very wide rotation angle, like heavy-duty trucks. I think this is not normal. It is necessary to be able to turn such a vehicle in any direction easily, but more importantly, I felt like I was using "horse glasses" while using this vehicle. It is not possible to look left, right or back. However, we should be able to easily look in the direction we want by using the right mouse button. I haven't seen any such option or key assignment.
To summarize briefly, TLD for me; It was an attractive game because it did not involve supernatural powers and tested the player with completely natural challenges. It still is. However, the new DLC does not offer a reasonable reason to use the new maps again. And I feel sorry for the time and effort spent on these maps.
These are my personal thoughts.
Unfortunately, I don't know English so I used Google Translator. I don't know if the translation accurately reflects my thoughts. I hope it doesn't cause any confusion.

Perhaps you just reached "endgame"? If they always release new content balanced for hundred-days runs, they'd alienate a lot more players. How about just starting a new game? These regions are challenging even for the more experienced players, and extremely fun to begin a run there. But I like the beggining much more than late game, so I'm also biased here...

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