breaking down a chair and not breaking down torches


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I wish the stuffed chair in the Trapper's Cabin broke down like the one in the Camp Office, even if it were for a lesser drop. It' just weird to me that there's an identical-but-indestructable chair in the TC.

I also wish ruined torches would burn like sticks without having to be broken down. It's strange that they add no heat or time to a fire unless you break them down (which takes time and calories to essentially remove fuel from the thing you want to burn.)

Last, I wish you could step up onto the camp office porch without having to use the stairs. It's kind of wierd that in a game about traversal through a dangerous environment you can't step up or over a 15 cm obstacle like a low porch or rail road track.

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The game has its inconsistencies that seem to be related to how the scene was set up.  I am in at Thomson's Crossing and in a number of spots there are things that [should] be breakable but are not.  Metal pails for one.  I understand that some of this is because the scene we see often is a sort of a painting hence we cannot move the plates, cups, etc., from tables and counters.  Things we can interact with were placed there.  I have often lamented that the obvious planks leaning against the Camp Office could not be broken into reclaimed wood, among other things in the game.  

I would presume that burned-out torches are just that burned out so have no further fuel value.  A decision was made that it has no further use as a torch so to get some use from it one has to harvest a stick from it.  If spending two minutes to harvest a stick from a burned out torch is too long and easier just to toss it into a fire then one does without the benefit of that stick.  

I think I figured out one part of that anomaly.  At Log Sort there were the log rafts and it was one time easy to step up and cross them and then it was a struggle and then it became easy again (about time of episode 3).  I had the idea that I could put a campfire in the lee of the logs to shield them from the wind then I discovered there was an invisible force plane (that incidentally prevents placing the campfire next to the log raft) that was an easily traversable slope onto and off the log raft.  I suspect that is why the 2x4 board or railroad track or 3 inch high snow bank can stop us dead in our tracks as the devs did not go through the whole game and put these little ramps over all instances of these "insurmountable" slopes.  I am still not happy that it happens but maybe better understand why.  

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