Roadmap is missing the roadmap

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Are bunkers a "game mechanic" or a "game feature" ?

For sure, when you find that bunkers disappeared, you can always file a support ticket. It is either a bug or a game feature that has changed. But why should you be angry about that ? There are bugs in game, and you still play with it, right ? Just file the ticket if you feel this is necessary, wait for a fix or an answer, and that's it. The game isn't impossible to play without the bunkers, they are not an "essential game mechanic". If they're not there, it just complicates the challenge a little bit...

In fact, I would find it cool if some buildings / loot places could disappear / reappear over time (after blizzards, for example), making the world more evolutive. Being unable to enter Carter Hydro for a real-life month would be cool. Making the respawn rate of animals more realistic (in-game months !) would be wonderful. So, removed bunkers for a week or two, that's not worth complaining about.

Remember the vanished key bug ? That was just a sort of challenge. It's a question of perspective.

Try to be more playful, and less of an angry consumer.

Edited by JoeBar
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29 minutes ago, JoeBar said:

Are bunkers a "game mechanic" or a "game feature" ?

For sure, when you find that bunkers disappeard, you can always file a support ticket. It is either a bug or a game feature that has changed. But why should you be angry about that ? There are bugs in game, and you still play with it, right ? Just file the ticket if you feel this is necessary, wait for a response, and that's it. The isn't impossible to play without the bunkers, they are not an "essential game mechanic". If they're not there, it just complicates the challenge a little bit...

In fact, I would find it cool if some building / loot places could disappear / reappear over time (after blizzards, for example), making the world more evolutive. Being unable to enter Carter Hydro for a real-life month would be cool. Making the respawn rate of animals more realistic (in-game months !) would be wonderful. So, removed bunkers for a week or two, that's not worth complaining about.

Try to be more playful, and less of an angry consumer.

Who said I was angry?  I was just pointing out the fact that you said it was okay for them to remove bunkers and not tell anyone.  I then went on to explain why I disagreed with that.

I also agree that more dynamic content would be cool, but I also think that if they intend to do that, they inform the players.  I state again, if you don't want to know, don't read the news.

Try to understand others perspectives and know the world doesn't revolve around you.

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@hozz1235 I think he was referring to getting the conversation/discussion back on a serious note.  Which I will attempt to derail again…. 😉

@JoeBar if I need to learn to read, how would I be able to read your message to me that I need to learn to read??? Make Siri do it for me??? 
Wait…. that’s the “theme” of this whole thread 🤣

 Truth be told, I’ve heard these things come out in patch notes, and I still have no idea where those are even at.  lol

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OK, sorry if I've been a bit rude...

@hozz1235 The original subject of the topic was "Roadmap is missing the roadmap" ; As the disappearing of bunkers is more than probably a bug, this has nothing to do with the roadmap. This is just an example of "thing disappearing, what should we do, file a ticket or not ?".  Don't even know why you came with that in this topic...

My interventions were about the whole "roadmap" thing: does Hinterland need to announce every single little change they make ? Do they need to document it before the release ? or document it for every minor release ? Do they need to announce when they will add the cougar and other features ? - and if they don't, does it ruin the players' experience ?

For me, it's enough to know that "the world will change a lot in 2023". I'll be happy with what they release (wait... maybe not if they add zombies).

@Semple Fi Why ask Siri ? Don't you know you can ask someone real to read it for you 😉 Maybe you're a bit too much used to loneliness...

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@JoeBar You are correct, we have digressed somewhat from the original topic but my comment was in response to your comment essentially saying, "I don't want to know anything that changes in the game."  I gave an example to fully understand your point, which I disagreed with.

I think we know your stance on this.  Based upon community feedback, you are in the minority.  You are certainly entitled to post your viewpoint!  I was simply trying to point out why I disagreed with your viewpoint (which should be able to take place here).

I think it boils down to this - If you don't want to know about changes to the game, stay off any forums/news sources which have that information (which may be a pretty difficult thing to do).  Companies respond to what their customers ask for (if they want to remain in business).  HL responded to the overwhelming community response by communicating the new features.  They had also, somewhat, set an expectation of what we can expect from their rollouts.

We're all good.

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2 hours ago, JoeBar said:

".I'll be happy with what they release (wait... maybe not if they add zombies).

@Semple Fi Why ask Siri ? Don't you know you can ask someone real to read it for you 😉 Maybe you're a bit too much used to loneliness...

Uhhhhh, agreed!!! Enough with the Zombie games!  There’s already plenty of zombies playing video games anyway! 😂

Per Hozz’ comment, I’m in the minority as well. IMO; I think that’s just a generational/societal shift in general though.  And we likely won’t win over anyone to our understanding, that didn’t agree with our viewpoint already.  

Too used to loneliness…. Yes!! That’s why I love this game! 🥲


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15 minutes ago, Semple Fi said:

Per Hozz’ comment, I’m in the minority as well. IMO; I think that’s just a generational/societal shift in general though.  And we likely won’t win over anyone to our understanding, that didn’t agree with our viewpoint already.

I'm pretty sure I'm in your generation @Semple Fi (50+ years old here).  For me, I guess, I have pretty limited time to play the game.  I want to make the most of my time when I do play.  I want to feel as though I've accomplished something.  If I feel I've "wasted" an hour (or more!) on something that isn't there that should be (e.g. bunker), that's frustrating to me.

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5 minutes ago, hozz1235 said:

I'm pretty sure I'm in your generation @Semple Fi (50+ years old here).  For me, I guess, I have pretty limited time to play the game.  I want to make the most of my time when I do play.  I want to feel as though I've accomplished something.  If I feel I've "wasted" an hour (or more!) on something that isn't there that should be (e.g. bunker), that's frustrating to me.

Fair point 👍🏼🙂

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16 hours ago, hozz1235 said:

HL responded to the overwhelming community response by communicating the new features.  They had also, somewhat, set an expectation of what we can expect from their rollouts.

As long as they don't publish "real full roadmaps" from the beginning, like

January 20 - update 2.1 : we will add a cougar in Forlorn Muskeg (image) + a shovel in a cave in HRV (image);
February 28 - Update 2.2 : we will add ackorns + introduce repices (3 kinds of soup, 4 recipes with cooked venison, 3 with cooked rabbit);
April, 14 - Update 2.2 : we will add a M10 Wolverine tank destroyer in Broken Railroad (image)"

I'm OK. Just keep vague enough to keep the sense of surprise...

15 hours ago, hozz1235 said:

If I feel I've "wasted" an hour (or more!) on something that isn't there that should be (e.g. bunker), that's frustrating to me.

Now, imagine they've simply doubled the spawn points for bunkers + made it more random across the world 🤩 that would be a nice surprise to me. After hours of play, I don't feel satisfaction anymore when I "find" another well-known bunker... Spawning in a region a know by heart, and knowing that if there are matches here, there will be a hacksaw at the other end of the world kinda bores me. But to each his own feelings, indeed. 😉

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6 hours ago, JoeBar said:

As long as they don't publish "real full roadmaps" from the beginning, like

January 20 - update 2.1 : we will add a cougar in Forlorn Muskeg (image) + a shovel in a cave in HRV (image);
February 28 - Update 2.2 : we will add ackorns + introduce repices (3 kinds of soup, 4 recipes with cooked venison, 3 with cooked rabbit);
April, 14 - Update 2.2 : we will add a M10 Wolverine tank destroyer in Broken Railroad (image)"

ok, I think you're being a little dramatic... 😉

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6 hours ago, JoeBar said:

After hours of play, I don't feel satisfaction anymore when I "find" another well-known bunker... Spawning in a region a know by heart, and knowing that if there are matches here, there will be a hacksaw at the other end of the world kinda bores me.

Well, except the recent loot refresh, this is exactly how the game has been for years.  If this bores you, may be time to find another game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for the ongoing feedback, and we appreciate your patience. We appreciate the thoughtful suggestions, and we are considering our approach to future updates to ensure information is relayed as effectively as possible. 

Thank you for your ongoing support, and we hope you are enjoying your adventures in the Far Territory! 

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