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11 hours ago, Ghurcb said:

Collecting snow seems to me like a completely unnecessary interaction to add. Snow is everywhere in TLD, so it wouldn't meaningfully change your survival, but this extra step would likely be somewhat annoying. 

I agree, although I will say it did feel a bit odd to be melting snow for water when I was stuck down in the middle level of Cinder Hills mine, where there is liquid water, but no snow. I guess same for some other explorable caves and mines.

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@Ghurcb @Honest  @ anyone else

Nice to hear both your thoughts. There are already some TLD mods out there for some of the things you're wanting. The Relentless Night Mod removes the static temps of indoor and makes them subject to outdoor temps. There are also some water management mods for the bottles.

I understand though if you'd prefer those in the base game. But that option is available (of course after the update, they will have to get them going again). And it's no slight against the base game. I like having both/all.

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46 minutes ago, dbmurph22 said:

@Ghurcb @Honest  @ anyone else

Nice to hear both your thoughts. There are already some TLD mods out there for some of the things you're wanting. The Relentless Night Mod removes the static temps of indoor and makes them subject to outdoor temps. There are also some water management mods for the bottles.

I understand though if you'd prefer those in the base game. But that option is available (of course after the update, they will have to get them going again). And it's no slight against the base game. I like having both/all.

The problem with mods is that there is no quarantee they'll get updated indefinitely, as it is completely up to the mod maker. Nor that game version X won't break them temporarily or permanently (I know they promised mod support before, but it's not been mentioned again). Therefore, committing to mods can lead to disappointments. I mean yes, there is Time Capsule, but that means compromises as well.

I wish someone in the dev team was uber fan of Relentless Night...  they should be...

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On 10/31/2022 at 7:28 AM, acada said:

I think, there could be some trading post or similar things. Something like post with ads on it. "I will trade 10 cured wolf pelts for 5 rifle rounds. Bring them to my farm. Molly"

My concern with this is that it is story mode leaking into Survival, as @ManicManiac said previously.

As illustrated by the devs splitting the games in two (which is the right move I feel) they are very much separate games.

There are many survival players who have never touched story mode, myself included.

To further complicate matters by splitting the games but bringing story mode elements into Survival just doesn't feel right to me.

However as already said by many, if there was an option to turn it off, then it wouldn't be an issue.

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Oh, yes! I can't wait to buy this on Day One! There's no studio that deserves it more than Hinterland in my opinion. I don't mind having to start over, it actually really excites me to start exploring Great Bear from scratch! Love the updates and additions. And please Hinterland, don't pay mind to people whining over this "paid" DLC. They should just grow up and get over it. EA/Ubisoft and other greedy gaming companies would have leeched us hundreds of $$$ already for all the free content your game has! Rock on and keep developing this BEAUTIFUL GAME!

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1 hour ago, Seboost said:

,don't pay mind to people whining over this "paid" DLC. They should just grow up and get over it. 

I don't think I recall anyone here whining about the new paid structure. There have been legitimate concerns and worries expressed and discussed about the nature of the new content, but the vast majority of us are more than happy with the financial proposal.

Many of us have been playing since near the beginning ten years go. We are extremely grateful to Hinterland for their ethics in this regard because it is indeed rare.

The only people who have legitimately raised concerns regarding paying for content in advance they may not like is fair, and there is nothing wrong saying you'd rather see what the "new" game will be like before you buy it. And those who paid for a story driven game and are still waiting for the final episode are justified in being put out.

But nowhere in this thread bar maybe one or two short comments have I seen whining. 

In fact most of us agree this is pretty much the most beautiful game created.

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11 minutes ago, Sgt Socks said:

I don't think I recall anyone here whining about the new paid structure. There have been legitimate concerns and worries expressed and discussed about the nature of the new content, but the vast majority of us are more than happy with the financial proposal.

Many of us have been playing since near the beginning ten years go. We are extremely grateful to Hinterland for their ethics in this regard because it is indeed rare.

The only people who have legitimately raised concerns regarding paying for content in advance they may not like is fair, and there is nothing wrong saying you'd rather see what the "new" game will be like before you buy it. And those who paid for a story driven game and are still waiting for the final episode are justified in being put out.

But nowhere in this thread bar maybe one or two short comments have I seen whining. 

In fact most of us agree this is pretty much the most beautiful game created.

To be fair, there are more complaints of that kind in the April announcement, and a lot of the comments under the  steam announcement are mean

And even then there are comments like this one.

On 10/21/2022 at 6:24 AM, Dum_Gen said:

Late 2023 for the 5th episode... I was hoping that you can release at least an episode per year. It is what, 6+ years for 5 episodes?


What to say, nice job, focusing on earning more money instead of releasing what was already paid for.


Disappointment after disappointment...

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31 minutes ago, Ghurcb said:

To be fair, there are more complaints of that kind in the April announcement, and a lot of the comments under the  steam announcement are mean

And even then there are comments like this one.

I can't comment on responses elsewhere as I haven’t seen them. I was simply trying to make it clear how the majority of people here are very fair in their responses.

Yes you are right to point that particular comment out but that's why I said:

"But nowhere in this thread bar maybe one or two short comments have I seen whining". 

I was simply defending and standing up for the vast majority of people who have responded here.

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4 hours ago, Sgt Socks said:

I don't think I recall anyone here whining about the new paid structure. There have been legitimate concerns and worries expressed and discussed about the nature of the new content, but the vast majority of us are more than happy with the financial proposal.

Many of us have been playing since near the beginning ten years go. We are extremely grateful to Hinterland for their ethics in this regard because it is indeed rare.

The only people who have legitimately raised concerns regarding paying for content in advance they may not like is fair, and there is nothing wrong saying you'd rather see what the "new" game will be like before you buy it. And those who paid for a story driven game and are still waiting for the final episode are justified in being put out.

But nowhere in this thread bar maybe one or two short comments have I seen whining. 

In fact most of us agree this is pretty much the most beautiful game created.

Beautifully said. Just… beautiful.

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9 hours ago, Sgt Socks said:

I don't think I recall anyone here whining about the new paid structure. There have been legitimate concerns and worries expressed and discussed about the nature of the new content, but the vast majority of us are more than happy with the financial proposal.

Many of us have been playing since near the beginning ten years go. We are extremely grateful to Hinterland for their ethics in this regard because it is indeed rare.

The only people who have legitimately raised concerns regarding paying for content in advance they may not like is fair, and there is nothing wrong saying you'd rather see what the "new" game will be like before you buy it. And those who paid for a story driven game and are still waiting for the final episode are justified in being put out.

But nowhere in this thread bar maybe one or two short comments have I seen whining. 

In fact most of us agree this is pretty much the most beautiful game created.

Yes, I agree no one here is complaining about the new paid structure.

But my goodness in the responses on the steam thread about the Dev Diary there has been a LOT of vitriol.

"Why are you asking for us to pay for something when you haven't even finished story mode yet!?!?!?!" And variations thereof.

Personally I think most will be happy that they have the chance to have tons of new content between now and Episode 5...but some people I just don't understand.

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18 minutes ago, GeneralJConnor said:

But my goodness in the responses on the steam thread about the Dev Diary there has been a LOT of vitriol.

There are trolls and hateful people on every platform, for every game and no matter the context. Some people are just looking for attention or a place to say their bullshit, altough the only thing they achieve is being pitiful.

However, most of the players have good will and even if they criticize, it's with logic and in a respectful way.

After all, TLD community it's incredible healthy and friendly :coffee:

Haters gonna hate 😎



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I just wonder about the story mode: Will the part 1-4 changed before release part 5? I think the part 2 was changed. Initially you had to shoot Old Bear 6 times and that was it. Now you have the spear. And I dont recall escape from den when I played it first. Anyway who plans to replay the whole story before the final episode is out?

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28 minutes ago, acada said:

I just wonder about the story mode: Will the part 1-4 changed before release part 5? I think the part 2 was changed. Initially you had to shoot Old Bear 6 times and that was it. Now you have the spear. And I dont recall escape from den when I played it first. Anyway who plans to replay the whole story before the final episode is out?

I would've preferred shooting it rather than the spear..  the only reason I'd replay story is to get the achievement for the side quests.

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On 10/31/2022 at 6:42 AM, Ghurcb said:

I'm not sure how I feel about the addition of bottles. On one hand, it could greatly improve the survival, limiting the amount of water you can store or carry around, thus making dehydration more of a threat. On the other hand, we have enough fiddling with pots and cans already, imagine if you wanted to pour the water from one bottle into another, or empty a bottle.
Would the bottles be chosen automatically when you take the boiled water from a pot?
What if there's not enough free volume in your inventory, would you take as much as you can?
Would you have to choose both the bottle AND the volume you want to take?
Obviously, you shouldn't be able to carry a pot full of water in your backpack, but should there be a way to fill the pot from a bottle, not to boil the water, but just to store it?
What about tea/coffee?
It would be VERY difficult to make the interface work as anything but torture device. Possible, but difficult.

Collecting snow seems to me like a completely unnecessary interaction to add. Snow is everywhere in TLD, so it wouldn't meaningfully change your survival, but this extra step would likely be somewhat annoying. 

Now, when it comes to water freezing, I'm all for it. We already have a way for some items to freeze (I'm talking about clothes). So it would make sense for water to behave in a similar way.
(this mechanic could also have an interaction with the thermos)

(I'll probably make a wish list post detailing this idea, since I put too much time into making this one image)


Well done picture, I like it!


For the bottles and water: Yes, it would need a good concept to make it not clunky or confusing, but I think it is possible. For example there could be a new transfer menu that pops up when you want to transfuse water like it shows on one screen side all the water and bottles/pots in your surrounding and on the other side all the water and bottles carried by your character. And a slider for exact changes and a "take all" button. The remaining water stays in the pot, you can pour it away or you can leave it for picking up later, but then it could be frozen. If it become ice you won't be able to clear the pot, you need to melt it again or break the ice to use the pot for something else or to carry it without the heavy ice inside. Therefor pouring the remaining water away can be a valid move in different situations, and I mean THIS is the core of the game: making the right decisions in foresight to not come back to your camp after a trip and realize that your plans/thoughts/calculations were wrong and you messed up.

Even I can imagine about that you could carry open pots and cans (partly) filled with water whether in your hands or body/backpack. The more they are filled and the faster you move the more probable water gets spilled (similar to the spraining mechanics, but more often and smaller amounts of water get spilled and in the case of a wolf struggle or similar all water gets spilled). Keeping the open pot with water in your hands while moving reduces the spillage and also the spilled water doesn't wet your clothes.


For collecting the snow: could be just an issue if there is no snow around, like when you stand on snow and you want to boil water then the game would be the same as it is now: snow gets magically collected. If you are in a larger indoor location or a larger cave it could become a thing that adds a bit of necessity to your foresight planning skills which makes this game so great (and gives a usecase to the cave ceiling holes which provides a few sun beams and a square meter of snow). Also six slot cooking stoves get a bit balanced as you slow down the unlimited boiled water production and it could cost some survivors live if they find out that they have to leave the safehouse in the night to collect some snow while there is a blizzard going on and they don't hear or see the wolf.


For the water freezing: @Ghurcb If you create a seperate topic for it, drop the link I will read it, maybe I get the one or other additional idea for it.

And maybe I should also do the same and create seperate topics for the water bottles and snow collecting

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by the way, does Hinterland hear to the community thoughts and ideas like picking them up and implement the fitting ideas into the gameplay? Because if the answer is "no" then I can save my time writing down too long posts and yours for reading it 😉

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17 minutes ago, Honest said:

by the way, does Hinterland hear to the community thoughts and ideas like picking them up and implement the fitting ideas into the gameplay? Because if the answer is "no" then I can save my time writing down too long posts and yours for reading it 😉

Over the years i have posted some of my ideas here. HL doesn't respond to every suggestion, but they are picking up ideas for sure. Of course they will not admit which idea from which person made it into the game, i believe it could come to ones mind to sue them for stealing or something like that 😂But to give the devs input from the fans is one of the reasons this forum exists. So i don't know if they actually took my ideas, but a lot of things that i wrote here i found later in the game more or less, which i'm happy about. But on the other hand, these ideas were quite the logical consequence, and maybe even generic.

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7 hours ago, Honest said:

by the way, does Hinterland hear to the community thoughts and ideas like picking them up and implement the fitting ideas into the gameplay? Because if the answer is "no" then I can save my time writing down too long posts and yours for reading it 😉

It doesn't work that way, not just for TLD but for all kind of games. It is not like 'Say something and we apply it to the game' , it's more like 'Give your feedback so we know how the players feel and what they think about the game, so we can offer you better content and experiences, at the proper time'.

Several suggested ideas on this forum have been applied to the game in the past, and even now the next DLC have long-awaited features like the Thermos.

So yes, they hear us, even if they don't give a direct answer 💖

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20 minutes ago, Valuable Hunting Knife said:

just found a new bit of artwork for TFTFT...



Wow, thanks for the posting, i would have missed it. Looks like a research facility for Wolfes/Timberwolfes to me. Or it's a research facility for something else and the guys in the tower got bored and started drawing wolves

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59 minutes ago, Dum_Gen said:

it seems to us that  for HL it is much more important to earn more money on the DLC rather than fulfilling their word in reasonable timeline.

First of all, a company goal is earn money, one way or another. If you can't understand or don't support this is okay, but it becomes your opinion, not what is right.

If a game gives you more than 5+ years of content, updates and support (Both story and survival mode) for free, sorry but your point doesn't make the slightest bit of sense.  They clearly not greedy and even if this was the case, again it's how the world and companys works.

1 hour ago, Dum_Gen said:

And then when we IMO rightfully complain, we are called trolls and our opinion is dismissed as irrelevant and pitiful

It is. Having the right to complain or criticize does not mean that you are right about what are you saying.

And whether you like it or not, no one cares about complaining posts; nothing it's gonna change, the developer notes are very clear about the release timing of story mode/survival contents, take it or leave it 😎

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I'll just repeat what jeffpeng said a few weeks before as this reflects my opinion as well and is well worded. We don't have to get aggressive since this is understandable

On 10/21/2022 at 3:52 AM, jeffpeng said:

Among all of this praise, however, I must acknowledge that @Dum_Gen, and certainly others that feel like them, have a point - a big, hurtful point. Yes, Wintermute has grown to epic proportions; yes, half of it was done twice; yes, people will eventually get what they paid for; yes, Hinterland has stuck to their promises and not abandoned the game when every major studio would have long ago; and finally yes, Survival was constantly updated free of charge - but no, taking over half a decade to deliver on a product is not okay, and a large portion of people purchased The Long Dark years ago, thinking they'd buy a story driven open-world survival game which they still haven't fully received. And now there is a DLC coming for that portion of the game they didn't (and maybe still don't) want anyways, which will probably serve most of the player base better (me included), but not them. So at least criticism is warranted and justified.

Nonetheless: freezing hyped, boi

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