Birds and Fishing


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These Suggestions are for Survival Mode

I think it would be awesome to include Ptarmigans as a small bird to hunt/trap. Their calories would be broken down by two 75 calorie breasts. It could be combined with water for a soup that provides a healing benefit for hypothermia and/or reduces or slows cabin fever. 

Hunting and harvesting the crows/Ravens would also be good. 120 calories apiece with the chance of parasites until cook rating 5 is met. Four feathers for each crow harvested.

A few updates for fishing would be awesome. Adding fish snares (baited hooks left in a fishing hole) would allow a passive form of fishing like setting snares for rabbits. Depending on time the fishing hole may freeze and the ice would have to be broken to pull the line up. This would be an easy tool that can be created from existing in game assets. 3 sticks, 1 fishing line and 1 hook up to 2 fishing line and 2 hooks. The passive trap can trap up to two fish at a time. 

Salmon roe from caught salmon should also be a random possibility. Let's say 50% of the time caught salmon have roe. The roe can either be consumed for an additional 100 calories or used as bait to increase the catch chance for ice fishing. 


Edited by NightJackal1
Meant to write parasites, not food poisoning for crows/ravens.
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