An extra stage for fires


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So I've been playing the long dark for about a month now, and I'm glad to say I'm completely in love with it. I'm 99% sure its the most involving and immersive game I think I've ever played, so props to the devs, you've started an amazing game :D

I do feel however, that while most of the fire mechanics are held up to a high standard, I have noticed the lack of kindling. I did have a search for other suggestions, but I couldn't find any that were exactly the same as mine, hence why I am asking. Would it be possible that a second stage, in between tinder and fuel could be added? Perhaps an individual kindling could be assigned to each type of wood, so the player could chop up fuel into smaller peices-Cedar sticks, Fir bark, splinters of reclaimed wood?

Any suggestions are welcome :)


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It is my understanding that tinder already encompasses this. You can forage for wood outside and collect tinder. This would be little bits of wood/"fuel" or "kindling", just as you describe it. So I think it is already in the game. Also, I do not see any need to make fire building more complex than it is now. This is just my personal taste, however.

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Yes, you can collect tinder, but when you are building a fire IRL you have 3 stages, tinder, kindling and fuel. Tinder is what you use to start a fire, and then use the kindling to ignite the fuel. I just feel that using tinder to ignite fuel is like using paper to ignite a log, it just doesn't seem right. However, if the problem with this idea is that it is too complicated, than the already existing fire system is good enough for me :)

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I think in terms of realisim id love this. On the other hand in terms of gameplay i think it would become a bit too chore like. Say if you had wood, tinder but no kindling = no fire at all in game, when realisiticly you COULD still start a fire with what was available. It would be incredibly wasteful and inefficent, but it could be done. However if this was factored into the chance and requirements of starting the fire in game, then i would also approve of the addition of kindling.

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