Mod Soup: my journey deriving the "ModLoper" mod configuration


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I did a livestream series on YT through 2021 called "Mod Soup" where I explored all the TLD mods that interested me and derived a final 'ModLoper' mod configuration that I view as the ultimate enhancement of Interloper - making it as hard as I feel it should be.   In the first 10 episodes we tested various mods and by episode 11 ("Consumption") I had a static mod config that I was happy with.  We then 'consumed' the Mod Soup in a full Modloper run over the next 30 or so episodes.  Through the series we had visits in chat from major mod authors and discussed their mods while playing them (!), and I learned a lot about what makes TLD challenging, compelling, and fun.  I hope it is appropriate to post this here; moderators can advise.  Thanks and enjoy!


Edited by Loonsloon
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