warmth bonus (Fixed in v.06)


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I sometimes have clothing on that if I add up the warmth bonus would be 7 or 8 bonus but on the interface screen I am only showing 3 bonus. I don't know if this is on purpose and that clothing may not add up linearly when worn?

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Guest Alan Lawrance

Can you show a screenshot for this?

The Clothing Warmth Bonus is only affects the Air Temp (i.e., it doesn't help with the windchill). So the "Feel Like" temperature is computed as:

Feels_like = (AirTemp + ClothingWarmBonus) + (Windchill + ClothingWindchillBonus)

We have kicked some ideas around in the past about how to improve how the temperature and warmth bonuses are displayed.

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I mean if I add up the warmth bonus from each piece of clothing I should get a warmth bonus of +7 but only get +3 (shown in the second screen). It may be that each piece of clothing does not add together for the total clothing warmth bonus on purpose?



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Guest Alan Lawrance

OK, I see what you mean.

Something that isn't made very obvious is that the base warmth bonus (which is displayed) gets multiplied by the condition when calculating the aggregate warmth bonus... so a 50% condition clothing item will only yield half the base warmth bonus.

We need to make this more obvious in the inventory interface, so we could display the scaled warmth bonus by itself, or have a way to show the current/max like for each item like:

Warmth Bonus: 1 C / 2 C

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