New bows?

Jimbo jumbo

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I have been playing the long dark for a long time and I still use the bow but it’s a bow you have to make its not bad but why isn’t there a crossbow or a compound bow that you can find and can even add new  arrows  That last longer then the ones you make 

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I think, the basic answer would be that new bows and arrows do not add enough to the game to justify the effort needed by the devs to incorporate them into the game. Their efforts would be mostly centered on bringing out the last two episodes of Wintermute and, while that does not preclude new things, they have to think about the ramifications of any new item that they choose to introduce.   We just get to play in the game with whatever implementation they come up with.  They have to figure everything out and make it work in the game world.  

The Bear Spear which they had thought to bring into the regular survival mode play, after introducing it into story mode play, apparently proved to be more difficult to integrate into survival game play than they probably originally anticipated.  

There is always the danger that any new item might break game mechanics.  They might be of the mind, tread very carefully for we don't want to break the game and then have to fix it in order to continue story mode. 

This is how I view the situation.  You may disagree.  If the devs introduced crossbows, etc. I would not complain at all but I don't think they will anytime soon. 

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There is also difficulty to consider, or more specifically, the lack off. If say Crossbow was just a better version of a bow that shoots bolts in a more straight line, there would be little need for normal bows. Making them pretty much obsolete as soon as the player had the crossbow. Yet, in TLD, each weapon out there serves its own unique function. Hinterland never add things that would make other things pointless as it kinda doesnt make sense, when compared to items that enrich the game instead. Part of the fun in TLD comes from the fact its permadeath and actually quite difficult. Making it easier doesnt really work to enrich the game, quite the opposite. 

I would for one not want crossbows, even though it makes sense as a weapon that would be probably ultimate hunting weapon for late game. For that exact reason - it being the ultimate hunting weapon for late game. It might make the other weapons irrelevant.

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When I first started playing the game I thought about this as well, but after thinking more about it, found bows and crossbows wouldn't add to the game.

From a realistic stand point, if you were lucky enough to find a compound bow, then you would also have to be lucky enough to find arrows that were cut to your draw length (the longer someones arms are, the longer their draw length). Crossbows have different length bolts as well. You would also have to hope to find hunting tips for those arrows. Arrow shafts are often wrecked after using them while hunting, and the hunting points can be as well. They actually wouldn't last longer than the arrows do in the game. To top it all off, it's much easier to pick up a rifle and hit your target than to pick up a bow and hit your target if you have never used either. 

The in game bow and arrows are just for the game to work. The idea is based from reality, but everything about them and their manufacture is pretty much nonesense. I know this but don't consider it as I play, and enjoy the game as it is. Adding compound bows and crossbows  would be like adding different types of large caliber rifles. You might need .303 ammo, but find 30-06, .308, or 7mm Rem mag, instead. You now have 4 types of ammo you are lugging around because you think you might find a different caliber rifle down the road. It can just add more headaches than it is worth. Sometimes keeping it simple is better.

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