Alarm traps


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Has there ever been a discussion about alarm traps and tripwire type alert systems for use against predators?    Been thinking about ways to handle blind spots at camp sights and caves, as a means to know when something just wandered into your space. 

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There have been several discussions over the years where this topic comes up... usually it's in threads where folks are talking about wanting more things to do with Recycled Cans.  However, (much of the time) this is usually because the chief complaint is that they accumulate too many cans, and they don't like it.  :)


On 2/6/2021 at 2:59 AM, ManicManiac said:

For those who simply don't like having a large number of recycled cans... if we "smash" open cans, after we consume the food inside no recycled can results.  The smashed can is effectively "ruined" and de-spawns.

This option becomes available when we don't have a can opener, axe, or knife in our inventory.
*(This part is important, because if you have a knife or axe in your inventory the character will automatically use that to open the can and not smash it open)*

So when we don't want to accumulate a recycled can, we don't have to.



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That conversation comes up a lot as well... personally, I've never been in favor of that idea:

On 2/6/2021 at 4:49 AM, ManicManiac said:

Regardless, I'm still of the opinion that there isn't a need for this particular change.  I appreciate the balance, that Hinterland has achieved already.  I also think that given the availability of scrap metal already in the game,  using recycled cans as a source of scrap metal would make it a resource that was just far too cheap and easy to obtain (again just my opinion).  I prefer the mechanics of gathering scrap metal the way they are at present.

On 2/6/2021 at 1:44 AM, ManicManiac said:

Considering that we've seen at least one player who managed to survive in an Interloper run for 10 in-game years... I'd say that there isn't any shortage of metal.


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11 hours ago, Stinky socks said:

I'd be happy if they let me craft grenade or molotov. Those Timberwolves are annoying!


"Thinking quickly, McKenzie fashioned a home made land mine using only a lunch box, some bottle caps, and a land mine. "

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12 hours ago, Stinky socks said:

El bombası veya molotof yapmama izin verirlerse mutlu olurum. Bu Timberwolves can sıkıcı!

Actually, we're making the grenade. It's just too small. 

During the use of bullet materials (sulfur powder and weed dryer) If we put it in a container and add a supposi to it in a hive. Here's a handmade bomb. Of course, you need some coal dust in it. 

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