Wind-carried feathers


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Here's an idea. My storages and your storages overflows with feathers. I can only recall one occasion where I was short on feathers. Why not make feather access - and thereby arrow availability - a little more challenging? To keep us on our toes even after that first trip to the forge.

I propose that 1) the amount of feathers found by corpses is decreased in windy conditions and blizzards, though not necessarily zeroed. 2) there is a feather respawn time by corpses after blizzards, meaning there is an overall smaller chance of finding feathers on any corpse/carcass encounter. 3) feathers respawn one by one. 4) single feathers can be found anywhere but very sparesly, meaning you'll be rewarded for being observant on spots where you wouldn't normally expect to find anything. 5) that the combinations of point 1-4 are implemented with an equation that makes feathers significantly less available than currently.

The fact that some feathers in the real world can freeze in the snow and stay there and some can get carried away is not the main point here. The purpose of this implementation would be increased challenge, the realism of wind-carried feathers would be a bonus.  

Edited by manolitode
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