I am stuck due to a glitched bear?


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So long story short I went hunting for a moose at the cabin by unnamed pond north or trappers homestead in ML. I really messed up the hunt and was stomped 4 times by the moose and nearly died. After finally killing the moose I have enough food to survive and recover my broken ribs of which I have 4 of them (nice). 

Trouble is I cant carry any weight and I can't sprint due to my ribs. Sitting around the cabin all day passing time is really boring so I decided to take a small venture to trappers homestead where I have cached some useful supplies previously. After I picked up what I wanted a bear spawned nearby on my way back and began tracking me. It got aggressive and I only just made it back to trappers house. Now here's the weird part. Every time I leave the house, the bear tracks me. I do not have any scent. And even crouched he always heads towards me. He was even as far as the barn at one point when he tracked me. 

I cannot sprint, and unfortunately. I left my rifle at the other cabin where the moose was. I only have my bow with 4 arrows and my magnum with 4 shots. I have 600 hours on TLD (here you can mock me for screwing up a moose hunt, I deserve that) and I have never seen a bear so hell bent on killing me. Is this a glitch or am I missing something?

At this rate, I may have to try to kill him with the bow but my arrows are really low condition

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That doesn't sound like a "glitch"... it sounds like you might just still within the bear's detection radius.

On another note... there is a bear den near the Trapper's Homestead, and part of that bear's "patrol" route often sends it over towards Max's Last Stand before heading up the hill and wandering near the Trapper's Cabin before meandering back to it's den again.  So that's another possibility, that when you exited to leave (presumably some time later)... it might have just been on it's normal route (thereby appearing to be still heading in your direction). 

Even if the bear is detecting/stalking you... you should be able to keep a fair clip ahead of it just by walking.  If not, unload some weight at the Trappers Cabin and come back for it later.  :)


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  • 1 month later...

I had something weird happen. I narrowly escaped bear claws at coastal highway fishing village and ran into a house. Any time I was exiting, bear immediately attacked me. I mean IMMEDIATELY!! Like he was standing g right at the door and staring at the door knob.

Even passing time didn't work. Little(big) bugger raped me and walked away like no big deal after the fact.

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