Skis addition?


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I think that finding skis would be a faster way to travel around Great Bear. They would be pretty heavy weighing around 11 lbs or so, are pretty rare. And there would be a new skill on skiing, where the higher your skill, the less you crash and sprain a wrist or ankle. They would probably go in your accessory place. You also would not be able to walk in them only slide. I thought of this because you can find ski boots, but no skis. I thought this would be cool.

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@DillonG I also want to see skis in the game.  Also snowshoes for that matter.  I’m not trying to give you a hard time but have you ever cross country skied?  You can absolutely walk, skate, and herring bone or side step up hills.  You suggested skis but nerfed them to a point of useless.  So, my question to you is where and when would you use them other then the novelty downhill run?

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Cross country skis are a longtime wishlist item. I really wish it would happen one day.


I live in rural BC, like the game setting, and tons of people out here have x-country skis. I was out on mine earlier today, checking some of the fences on the ranch. Beauty day!

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On 1/2/2021 at 6:26 AM, Derek0311 said:

@DillonG I also want to see skis in the game.  Also snowshoes for that matter.  I’m not trying to give you a hard time but have you ever cross country skied?  You can absolutely walk, skate, and herring bone or side step up hills.  You suggested skis but nerfed them to a point of useless.  So, my question to you is where and when would you use them other then the novelty downhill run?

I have skied before, and, I didn’t think of that.

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Might keep in mind that skis and snowshoes, in the current form of The Long Dark, will not allow the character to do anything that he cannot do by just walking.  He won't be able to go up a slope beyond what he can walk, he won't go faster, and he won't be able to carry more (so the weight of the ski gear might impact things).  There might not be any net positives, as far as the devs might be concerned, because of the weight of the additional gear and the fact that it is 100 feet to ski down a hill and 100 miles to walk up it.  🙂

Although I did go to Lucern and took an intro to skiing, I can say that other than snow plowing down a hill, I could not bring myself to even try to ski like the other more practiced skiers.  I do not know if the devs would cotton to the idea that Will and Astrid were reasonable down-hill or cross-country skiers right out off the bat. 

That is not to say that the devs couldn't include a quest where Will or Astrid actually have to learn  how to and get skill in something like [cross-country] skiing, but then the quest-related aspect would cover why it might be done. 

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