Saving in survival?


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I always do a search before posting a question so hopefully I didn't miss an answer somewhere.

I'm playing the Nintendo switch version of the game and I can't seem to save on survival? How would I be able to get any of these rewards? xD. I definitely can't leave my system going 24/7. I read up that it has an auto save feature but to my dismay after playing for several hours I come back to the menu and it just gives me the new game option.. uuuuhhhhgggg

I really like the story mode but it definitely lacks alot of the intricacies of the stand alone survival mode. At least it gives me the option to save.

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There is no button to save on demand in survival mode. 

There are a number of circumstances that causes the game to save.  Entering a building, interior cave, and most any place with a transition and loading screen.  Being injured or getting an actual affliction (not the risk of one).  Sleeping (which is basically uninterruptible) and passing time to completion (no cancel/interruption) for 1 hour (or more). 

It is routine when deciding to quit a session to take an action that would cause a save.  

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1 hour ago, UTC-10 said:

There is no button to save on demand in survival mode. 

There are a number of circumstances that causes the game to save.  Entering a building, interior cave, and most any place with a transition and loading screen.  Being injured or getting an actual affliction (not the risk of one).  Sleeping (which is basically uninterruptible) and passing time to completion (no cancel/interruption) for 1 hour (or more). 

It is routine when deciding to quit a session to take an action that would cause a save.  

Well that's unfortunate. So you can't have multiple files starting in different regions. I get the whole challenge aspect but it kind of sucks to be honest.

They should add the option for a none save survivor run. Makes me not want to do it lol. 

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You can have several (up to 25) playthoughs active at once, if you'd like, and you can start afresh in each region (there are 11 in total).

If you need to save, it's very easy to do if you're in any region that has lots of buildings. If not, the simplest is to sleep/pass time for an hour. Remember that The Long Dark is a game that's all about planning and decision-making, and that includes finding safe places to save the game.

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2 hours ago, Glflegolas said:


You can have several (up to 25) playthoughs active at once, if you'd like, and you can start afresh in each region (there are 11 in total).

If you need to save, it's very easy to do if you're in any region that has lots of buildings. If not, the simplest is to sleep/pass time for an hour. Remember that The Long Dark is a game that's all about planning and decision-making, and that includes finding safe places to save the game.

Yeah I feel dumb about it. Not sure what happened the first time but it didn't save despite it saying so over the course of the 5 days in game I did. 

Does the save erase if you die? Because I did die by a bear lmao.

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The Survival mode game is perma-death.  I believe that the purpose of limiting saves to specific circumstances and not have it on-demand was because the devs wanted the survival experience (which would be carried over into Story mode) to be reasonably realistic and discourage the practice of incremental saves until the RNG or sheer stubbornness  gets the character through whatever situation he was working through.  Obviously in Story mode,  few people would appreciate losing all Story progress due to death so the save procedure for that mode was made more gamey. 

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Bear in mind that there is a consequence to Save on Exit.  As Survival mode current save function works, when a character gets stuck, there always is the option to quit and reload.  The price is game progress. 

With Save on Exit, when a character gets stuck, there is no other option but to struggle because otherwise the entire save game is effectively a write-off.  Once the game saves the situation is now permanent.  And there is no GM to come save the character. 

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On 1/3/2021 at 3:39 PM, mfuegemann said:

Meanwhile I find the active triggering of save points bearable. The game should save on "quit" every time, though. It took me several lost days until I noticed that "saving..." remark at the side of my screen.

Oh god no. The recent updates have made my game very buggy, including my character getting hung up/perma stuck on the lips of rocks. A save on quit feature would make the game unplayable.

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On 1/4/2021 at 10:01 PM, SpitztheGreat said:

Oh god no. The recent updates have made my game very buggy, including my character getting hung up/perma stuck on the lips of rocks. A save on quit feature would make the game unplayable.

Good point. Meanwhile I had the getting-stuck experience too.

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