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An item which could come with a entire system

Repairing you're "home", or what you call that way, such has the garage, trapers house etc..

The chainsaw could be an unique item which with it you can cut down tree's and make plank out of them. That way you could take up planks to you re home and repair it, which will increase the temperature inside when you ligh a fire. 

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Cutting planks from a log with a chainsaw would be VERY teidious, there are other planks around the game, that you could possible drag to your house.
I'd love a chainsaw. There isn't any reason why it shouldn't work, as they're motor based.    (Unless you're using an electric of course)


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7 hours ago, magaman49 said:

Cutting planks from a log with a chainsaw would be VERY teidious, there are other planks around the game, that you could possible drag to your house.
I'd love a chainsaw. There isn't any reason why it shouldn't work, as they're motor based.    (Unless you're using an electric of course)


This still wouldn't work, electric or not, the geomagnetic storm disrupts anything electrical and a chainsaw even though it's powered by gas, it still has an electrical component that being the spark plug. Due to the geomagnetic storm the spark plug wouldn't provide a spark. That means no combustion, which means the chainsaw wouldn't work. The cars don't work for this exact reason as well.


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13 hours ago, Usfarle said:

An item which could come with a entire system

Repairing you're "home", or what you call that way, such has the garage, trapers house etc..

The chainsaw could be an unique item which with it you can cut down tree's and make plank out of them. That way you could take up planks to you re home and repair it, which will increase the temperature inside when you ligh a fire. 

I disagree. This addition wouldn't make sense due to the geomagnetic storm, meaning the chainsaw would only work during an Aurora, and I don't see anyone actively going out at night during an aurora as wolves are more dangerous and it is colder. Not to mention by the time you find this "unique" item (unique implies it's rare)  you would more in likely have decent clothes, making any interior above freezing, and that's without a fire.

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5 hours ago, LoneWolf5841 said:

I disagree. This addition wouldn't make sense due to the geomagnetic storm, meaning the chainsaw would only work during an Aurora, and I don't see anyone actively going out at night during an aurora as wolves are more dangerous and it is colder. Not to mention by the time you find this "unique" item (unique implies it's rare)  you would more in likely have decent clothes, making any interior above freezing, and that's without a fire.

I agree with you on the TLD history fact, but i don't understand why it won't be a good addition to the game, it would be a more realistic way to make the house safer and warm.I'm not very used to the lore, if you say its not lore friendly I believe you, and if its not lore-friendly it shouldn't be in the game 

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My understanding is that it comes down to the way the trees are coded into the game design at the base level... meaning the entire game would have to be re-coded ato enable the trees to be cut down.  The same applies to making alterations to structures.  The game was simply not designed with this sort of activity in mind.  The limbs we can interact with are already removable with a hatchet or a hacksaw.  A chainsaw, therefore, would be yet another heavy, redundant piece of equipment I would never want to carry with me.

The same about how the game was designed holds true for moving cars around.  It is an attempted change to the background game world and the game is not coded in a way that accommodates that sort of activity.

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45 minutes ago, Usfarle said:

I agree with you on the TLD history fact, but i don't understand why it won't be a good addition to the game, it would be a more realistic way to make the house safer and warm.I'm not very used to the lore, if you say its not lore friendly I believe you, and if its not lore-friendly it shouldn't be in the game

It isn't lore friendly, you can tell by playing the whole no power thing is the issue. the spark plug can't produce a spark as somehow the geomagnetic storm disrupts power only for it to partly be restored during the Aurora so if it's added it would behave like the flashlight useless most of the time only to function during the Aurora, which only occurs at night.

Also even if it was lore friendly it would still be kinda useless as there isn't a reason to repair your cabin for warmth as most interior structures are already above freezing at the start of the game. 

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1 hour ago, LoneWolf5841 said:

It isn't lore friendly, you can tell by playing the whole no power thing is the issue. the spark plug can't produce a spark as somehow the geomagnetic storm disrupts power only for it to partly be restored during the Aurora so if it's added it would behave like the flashlight useless most of the time only to function during the Aurora, which only occurs at night.

Also even if it was lore friendly it would still be kinda useless as there isn't a reason to repair your cabin for warmth as most interior structures are already above freezing at the start of the game. 

Yeah, i know that building are already repaired, and thats my point : there is just fine building wich are just like they were new and the others, completely destroyed. I dont dind it really realistic and having a way to fix some of the building because they will be all a bit damaged by the storm, would be a way to make a bigest "late game kinda" and an other step to survival 

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8 minutes ago, Usfarle said:

Yeah, i know that building are already repaired, and thats my point : there is just fine building wich are just like they were new and the others, completely destroyed. I dont dind it really realistic and having a way to fix some of the building because they will be all a bit damaged by the storm, would be a way to make a bigest "late game kinda" and an other step to survival 

I mean I'm for buildings slowly degrading over time making them ultimately colder than the beginning this would increase challenge I'm just not for the addition of the chainsaw maybe  instead of a chainsaw the tool would be a Carpenters hammer and instead of planks you just use nails that are made at a forge.

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11 minutes ago, Stoutlander said:

There isn't any gas. 

If hinterland added a chainsaw then they would add gas as an item. Though chainsaw or not gas does appear planned to be added eventually as the gas tank cap for cars can be opened and if we all remembered you could remove batteries from some cars way before the ability to scrape them for lead was added. So my guess is gas as an item is coming what it will be used for though is the question.

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1 hour ago, LoneWolf5841 said:

If hinterland added a chainsaw then they would add gas as an item. Though chainsaw or not gas does appear planned to be added eventually as the gas tank cap for cars can be opened and if we all remembered you could remove batteries from some cars way before the ability to scrape them for lead was added. So my guess is gas as an item is coming what it will be used for though is the question.

The thing is, the story line has an economic fall prior to the geomagnetic disturbance. The island had no longer been receiving it's regular supplies from the mainland. I could be wrong, but had thought that most of the cars we see in the game had run out of gas long before the storm came. Maybe there is a refinery on the island? I guess it would be easy enough for them to work around the whole economic fall story line.

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2 hours ago, Stoutlander said:

The thing is, the story line has an economic fall prior to the geomagnetic disturbance. The island had no longer been receiving it's regular supplies from the mainland. I could be wrong, but had thought that most of the cars we see in the game had run out of gas long before the storm came. Maybe there is a refinery on the island? I guess it would be easy enough for them to work around the whole economic fall story line.

Well I assume there is gas in some plus I remember Will asking why everyone left on foot and didn't drive out in wintermute and grey mother said that the cars just stopped working this would imply that some cars still have gas though it has been a while since I played Episode 1 of wintermute so I could be mistaken but I remember hearing this. 

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9 minutes ago, Ps4Methuselah said:

I don't think the weight of a chain saw would make it a viable tool 6 kg... plus fuel?

How about a nice katana boy hand saw 1 kg?

I agree this is a big reason I'm against it it's a big heavy item for a task I don't see doing much with I would rather deal with the decrease in warmth than lug a heavy chainsaw it's the reason I suggested a lighter option, the Carpenters hammer. As for fuel like I said before that already appear to be planned as you can open gas caps on some cars. (considering you could remove car batteries long before the addition of ammo crafting) If they hold true to the past it means that they have something planned for the gas in cars even if it's just for a source of accelerant for fire. More in likely though and my current belief is it will be used for something in wintermute maybe we will create something that requires fuel? 

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Even putting aside that a chainsaw wouldn't work there is no point in making a house warmer because they're all warm enough already. The temperature inside never gets very low so it's pointless to put effort into making it higher.

Now if indoor temps would drop to what it is outside then it might be good. Until then I would never consider insulating/fixing a house.

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8 hours ago, odizzido said:

Even putting aside that a chainsaw wouldn't work there is no point in making a house warmer because they're all warm enough already. The temperature inside never gets very low so it's pointless to put effort into making it higher.

Now if indoor temps would drop to what it is outside then it might be good. Until then I would never consider insulating/fixing a house.

I said the same thing but the OP had in mind that buildings would degrade overtime making them colder the repairing aspect would be to make the building warm again

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20 hours ago, LoneWolf5841 said:

I mean I'm for buildings slowly degrading over time making them ultimately colder than the beginning this would increase challenge I'm just not for the addition of the chainsaw maybe  instead of a chainsaw the tool would be a Carpenters hammer and instead of planks you just use nails that are made at a forge.

Yeah of course, the idea of a carpenter skill, tools and technique could be added that way ! Like they would be books of technique, way to repair things, make seat, bed ... That would be great ! 

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