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Hello, first I love you're game and i wish it the best.

I want to share my idea for a complete new aspect of the game : a season system, it will be a way to think " oh here is winther, i can go ahead this threat, survive and in the next summer i will be able to make a whole new stock of food and it will be a more easy way to live". 

For me a game need a carrot to push the player to go on, i can't survive forever, there is not much sustainable way to live or any late game (house/cabin making, interior creation, plantation making...) and it's destroying my motivation. If we start a new survival game in wither, as we know it is just a bad time to go over, it will push the player to want to survive, to want discover everything new in summer. 

For this I have a couple idea, I find sad the fact that in TLD we are forced to live by killing lots of animal and by founding industrial food. I find it really realistic in wither, but we should be able to make stock of vegetables and fruits for the winter, maybe with a new way to store food, with underground cache, salt, or ice. In summer, it will be more friendly, more animal will go out thei're hibernation ( like racoon, fox, boar, birds, fish, squirrel etc... ). Predator will be less hungry and except from bear  they will not be a lot of wildlife threat, but we could still die from cold in night, hunger or thirst. 

I really think the game need a major update with a complete new way to play the game, but i will understant the fact taht TLD is a game where the snowy and dangerous athmosphere is core to the gameplay, having a peace time like summer will be a bit out of the goal of the game. 

I love you're game and you're communication around it, make whatever you want out of you're game and sorry for my bad english (I'm french soo its pretty common ^^)

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19 hours ago, Usfarle said:

Hello, first I love you're game and i wish it the best.

I want to share my idea for a complete new aspect of the game : a season system, it will be a way to think " oh here is winther, i can go ahead this threat, survive and in the next summer i will be able to make a whole new stock of food and it will be a more easy way to live". 

For me a game need a carrot to push the player to go on, i can't survive forever, there is not much sustainable way to live or any late game (house/cabin making, interior creation, plantation making...) and it's destroying my motivation. If we start a new survival game in wither, as we know it is just a bad time to go over, it will push the player to want to survive, to want discover everything new in summer. 

For this I have a couple idea, I find sad the fact that in TLD we are forced to live by killing lots of animal and by founding industrial food. I find it really realistic in wither, but we should be able to make stock of vegetables and fruits for the winter, maybe with a new way to store food, with underground cache, salt, or ice. In summer, it will be more friendly, more animal will go out thei're hibernation ( like racoon, fox, boar, birds, fish, squirrel etc... ). Predator will be less hungry and except from bear  they will not be a lot of wildlife threat, but we could still die from cold in night, hunger or thirst. 

I really think the game need a major update with a complete new way to play the game, but i will understant the fact taht TLD is a game where the snowy and dangerous athmosphere is core to the gameplay, having a peace time like summer will be a bit out of the goal of the game. 

I love you're game and you're communication around it, make whatever you want out of you're game and sorry for my bad english (I'm french soo its pretty common ^^)

I remember hinterland saying that seasons won't be added as it's a technical problem basically the whole game would have to be rebuilt to make it work I.E maps redesigned to show the seasonal changes, different ways to collect water since snow would be gone in the warmer months, different routes as during the warmer seasons some areas will become inaccessible I.E jackrabbit island etc. Hinterland is by no means a large company so this would take a lot of time and effort also The Long Dark in summer would be ultimately boring as a major challenge is removed that being the cold.

The inevitable death is something that a majority of the community likes about the long dark. It gives survival a end more or less if you could get to a stage where you wouldn't ever die no matter what then suddenly the challenge is gone and the game would become boring. as it is now there is an end that end is death survival mode isn't survive forever it's survive for as long as you can. Long story short the long dark is ultimately built around winter it would have to be completely resigned to add seasons thus it will more in likely never be added maybe in a future hinterland survival game but not the long dark.

Edited by LoneWolf5841
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2 hours ago, LoneWolf5841 said:

I remember hinterland saying that seasons won't be added as it's a technical problem basically the whole game would have to be rebuilt to make it work I.E maps redesigned to show the seasonal changes, different ways to collect water since snow would be gone in the warmer months, different routes as during the warmer seasons some areas will become inaccessible I.E jackrabbit island etc. Hinterland is by no means a large company so this would take a lot of time and effort also The Long Dark in summer would be ultimately boring as a major challenge is removed that being the cold.

The inevitable death is something that a majority of the community likes about the long dark. It gives survival a end more or less if you could get to a stage where you wouldn't ever die no matter what then suddenly the challenge is gone and the game would become boring. as it is now there is an end that end is death survival mode isn't survive forever it's survive for as long as you can. Long story short the long dark is ultimately built around winter it would have to be completely resigned to add seasons thus it will more in likely never be added maybe in a future hinterland survival game but not the long dark.

Okay for the technical problem, but i'm not agree with you on the fact that they will still be challenge in summer ( it depends on how the game would be design but i was not thinking making it minecraft ) however, do you think that survive for more than 500 days in survival in wither only is really realistic ? For its really immersive-killing and having a short summer and a long wither like it is in Canada would be a way to add lots of thing to the game. 

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53 minutes ago, Usfarle said:

Okay for the technical problem, but i'm not agree with you on the fact that they will still be challenge in summer ( it depends on how the game would be design but i was not thinking making it minecraft ) however, do you think that survive for more than 500 days in survival in wither only is really realistic ? For its really immersive-killing and having a short summer and a long wither like it is in Canada would be a way to add lots of thing to the game. 

No it isn't realistic but the point isn't to be realistic the point is to survive. Like I said previously with the way the game is now it would have to be rebuilt from the ground up in order to have seasons, it won't happen in the long dark the only way I see this in in another game hinterland makes but in this game seasons wouldn't work and in my opinion would ruin the feel of the long dark, try to do what I do come up with a reason why it's forever Winter. My reasoning is the same geomagnetic storm that messes up the power has also screwed up the seasons somehow this reasoning has helped me overlook the fact that seasons never change maybe it'll help you as well?

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I think seasons will be part of TLD2.  If you search TLD2, you will find an article with the owner.  If you read it and read between the lines, seasons are coming, just not to TLD.  

Many people will say,”It’s just a game.”  I think every who plays this game knows it’s just a game.  That doesn’t mean it gets a pass for not being realistic.  It depends on what experience the player is looking for.  A flight simulator is after all just a game.  However, it can’t ignore physics.  Nobody says,”Do we really need a cross wind, it’s too realistic, that’s not what this flight simulator is all about.”  Players asking for realism are the same.  The Harry Potter universe asks its viewers to believe everything.  The Long Dark is different.  It only asks us to believe in a magnetic storm.  After that it’s a survival game.  Then we might hear “That’s not The Long Dark”.  Only the owner of Hinterland or someone that’s paid by him can say that.  

Anyway, I’m done with the soapbox if anyone else wants it.

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6 minutes ago, Derek0311 said:

I think seasons will be part of TLD2.  If you search TLD2, you will find an article with the owner.  If you read it and read between the lines, seasons are coming, just not to TLD.  

Just did some research here is the article I found

Interesting this would ultimately ruin my explanation of why the long dark is forever winter but shoot if they add seasons to TLD2 I'm all for the increased realism.

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6 minutes ago, Derek0311 said:

I think seasons will be part of TLD2.  If you search TLD2, you will find an article with the owner.  If you read it and read between the lines, seasons are coming, just not to TLD.  

Many people will say,”It’s just a game.”  I think every who plays this game knows it’s just a game.  That doesn’t mean it gets a pass for not being realistic.  It depends on what experience the player is looking for.  A flight simulator is after all just a game.  However, it can’t ignore physics.  Nobody says,”Do we really need a cross wind, it’s too realistic, that’s not what this flight simulator is all about.”  Players asking for realism are the same.  The Harry Potter universe asks its viewers to believe everything.  The Long Dark is different.  It only asks us to believe in a magnetic storm.  After that it’s a survival game.  Then we might hear “That’s not The Long Dark”.  Only the owner of Hinterland or someone that’s paid by him can say that.  

Anyway, I’m done with the soapbox if anyone else wants it.

Realistism in video game are a important part of the game for me, expectially in survival game. Maybe its because I like survival IRL too but for me nothing is as good as the complexicity and the difficulty of the real life. However I also think that to make an artistique game, it need to be different from reality on certain point, but also similar on others, to put the player just like he was in real life survival situation 

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