Recover from Frostbite


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Would be great to be able to recover from Frostbite again.
Todays case: I spawned in Timberwolf Mountain and the whole time up to the pleasant valley, I didn't had a hat, which in turn my frostbite didn't recover at all even when sleeping a full night in a preppers cache.

How about that a "Well Fed" affliction would counter one Frostbite? So also the Well Fed affliction would disappear.

Edited by whirls
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I think it would be better if we saw some complex treatment mechanics. For example, as it is written in the textbook. Slow warming, then gradual healing with ointments and dressings, for 1 week. Not magic healing. I basically expect that all miditsina looks ridiculous in the game.

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Frostbite the Affliction is a permanent condition.  Once acquired, it remains for the entirety of the run and it can be acquired multiple times taking a toll on the maximum condition of the character.  

Frostbite the Risk is a variable precursor to the Affliction.  The risk goes up and down depending on environmental conditions and a character can have multiple risks of frostbite at the same time.  One key difference in dealing with the risk is to realize that ambient air temperature matters and the warmth bonus that results from all clothing worn does not - making Feels Like Temperature rather dangerous when dealing with frostbite risk. 

Even if the FLT was +15 C, the abandoned prepper cache is like -3 C or something and the bed there is +5 C.  By FLT the character is quite warm +17 C (+15 clothing, -3 cache, +5 bed) but by frostbite rules the character's frostbite risk is being reduced by only a +2 C difference (-3 cache +5 bed).  A vast difference. 

Any number of characters have run afoul of miscalculating how fast the risk was rising or mistaking the FLT as being material to their risk and gotten frostbite the affliction.  There are other related aspects but this is kind of the basic. 

So do you have frostbite the Affliction or frostbite the Risk? 

In any case, good luck. 

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13 hours ago, k0s0ff said:

I think it would be better if we saw some complex treatment mechanics. For example, as it is written in the textbook. Slow warming, then gradual healing with ointments and dressings, for 1 week. Not magic healing. I basically expect that all miditsina looks ridiculous in the game.

TLD is specifically designed with short term in mind. You can get mauled by a bear and sprain everything there is to sprain, being five seconds outside from death.....but then completely recover by morning. Similarly you can take down a big buck, but you eat it, the whole thing, in two or three days. Everything is meant to be quick and done in this game. Personally I would like to see longer term stuff, and custom games can help with that some at least. But the more the better IMO.

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5 hours ago, UTC-10 said:

One key difference in dealing with the risk is to realize that ambient air temperature matters and the warmth bonus that results from all clothing worn does not - making Feels Like Temperature rather dangerous when dealing with frostbite risk. 

Even if the FLT was +15 C, the abandoned prepper cache is like -3 C or something and the bed there is +5 C.  By FLT the character is quite warm +17 C (+15 clothing, -3 cache, +5 bed) but by frostbite rules the character's frostbite risk is being reduced by only a +2 C difference (-3 cache +5 bed).  A vast difference. 

man .... another thing I couldn't know. Thank you very much.


Yeah, my plan was to rush to the Pleasant Valley. On the way I realized I still had a high frostbite risk and then a storm came. A few desperate hours later I faded away ... with the Affliction.

18 hours ago, k0s0ff said:

I think it would be better if we saw some complex treatment mechanics. For example, as it is written in the textbook. Slow warming, then gradual healing with ointments and dressings, for 1 week. Not magic healing. I basically expect that all miditsina looks ridiculous in the game.

I like that. In the end the character can still shoot well with bows with frost bites on the hands - so maybe body parts are still healable or "re-trainable" 🙂

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I would like a realistic frostbite treatment.  i.e. Frostbite Risk becomes "Frostbite" which confers the standard condition penalty.  You can then treat Frostbite by warming back up to 100% and not hitting Freezing again for 24 hours.  At that point, the Frostbite affliction ends, and you can recover that condition normally.  If you again hit Freezing before the 24 hours is up, the Frostbite become Necrosis, and the condition loss is then permanent.

Because in real life, say your hand freezes.  Leave it frozen.  When you're in a safe condition, THEN warm it back up, and keep it from freezing again until it recovers.  That's how you recover from frostbite. And again in real life, if that same area re-freezes before it's had a chance to heal, you will 100% lose it.  Be it a finger, a hand, an arm.  It's gone if it freezes twice in rapid succession.

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