Rifle variations


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So I had another idea about the rifles in the game. Their could be different variations of the rifle, what I mean by this is that their could be two kinds of rifles. Theirs the one we have now, and their could be a tactical version. The tactical version is made out of synthetic materials which’s makes it weighs less, gives it a longer aiming time, takes less time to reload and chamber rounds, but at the cost of higher durability loss per shot, a smaller magazine, and takes longer to be repaired at the milling machine, and requires more materials. You could also do this with the bow, where you have a modern version that is better than the old one in some areas, but worse in others. What do you think?

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It could be old Enfield vs decent Remington 700 rifle. Old world vs a new. However due fact the area is long abadoned so getting a new rifle is very unlikely, so even that remington would be 30 years old. So no tacticool stuff probably.

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On 1/7/2020 at 8:53 AM, ManicManiac said:

I'd rather not.  I think we have all the weapons we could possibly need.  (though I am still hopeful the bear spear will still make an appearance in survival in the future --- definitely not a necessity, but since it was spoke of by the Hinterland team... I'm eager to see what they'll come up with for it)


On 6/9/2019 at 2:13 AM, ManicManiac said:

Also, it goes back again to that feeling of vulnerability.  If you have too many weapons, you end up feeling like you are safe...on top of the food chain again.  I'd argue that the heart of this game is feeling isolated and vulnerable.  That we don't have everything we need to be on top... that we have to struggle, move carefully, and gauge risk and reward.  I tend to think that adding a more and more weapons will take away from that.  Which is why I don't think we need any more of them.


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I think a farmers break action shotgun would be better, maybe double barrel. 

- Only has 1 (or 2) shots unlike the revolver and rifle.

- Fires pellets instead of bullets leading to more bleed than the rifle but less damage, but the opposite is true of the bow. So the perfect in-between. 

- Still much more likely to hit than the bow but non re-usable ammunition 

- More fitting of the world than a sport rifle

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I like the idea of diversifying the rifle models/options. As for the synthetic rifle one could make it much better to handle than the Enfield but also limit it to one shot per "magazine" (so that you always have to fully reload after each shot taken). It could require ammunition specifically made for that type of rifle so you cannot just switch them both up as you please. Also, you could make that ammunition hard to come by (or even not craftable) to limit the usage because one shot with good handling often is all it takes for a skilled player.

Additionally, you could make it an "exclusive" find like the flare gun for, let's say Bleak Inlet (or any other (future) region) only, where you have to reach an area that is difficult to access (rough terrain, predators, far away from shelter etc.).

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On 4/8/2020 at 11:38 PM, Hochleistungsfaultier said:


I like the idea of diversifying the rifle models/options. As for the synthetic rifle one could make it much better to handle than the Enfield but also limit it to one shot per "magazine" (so that you always have to fully reload after each shot taken). It could require ammunition specifically made for that type of rifle so you cannot just switch them both up as you please. Also, you could make that ammunition hard to come by (or even not craftable) to limit the usage because one shot with good handling often is all it takes for a skilled player.

Additionally, you could make it an "exclusive" find like the flare gun for, let's say Bleak Inlet (or any other (future) region) only, where you have to reach an area that is difficult to access (rough terrain, predators, far away from shelter etc.).

I like your ideas about the different ammo types and only in a certain location.

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