Disappearing Moose

Pro survivor

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I came to broken railroad, and I went to the hunting lodge and saw a moose.

It was getting dark so I decided to hunt him tomorrow. When i came outside the next day he was gone. I searched for him but didnt find him.

I dont know if this is a glitch or a common thing. Please help.

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some days they are there, most times not.  i dont believe moose spawns last more than 1 day.  if you need the hide/meat, my best advice is to find some way to down them when you see them, it could be a long time before u get another chance.  it took me 160 days to see my first moose on my current voyageur run.  approaching 400 days now and i have only seen 2 more since then, 1 which i took and one in BR that i had to play chicken with and run away cause it was night time and i was exposed

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I think the moose "migrates" periodically.  It remains in a given locale for only a matter of days then it is shifted to another region or locale.  Eventually it will show up again, but there does not seem to be any schedule, at least, I haven't been able to discern one. 

As far as I know (which isn't much), only in Bleak Inlet does it appear that the moose will tend to be a fixture (there is not a whole lot else to hunt), in one of several areas,  though once killed it will take time before it respawns. 

So I would guess the moose in Broken Railroad will eventually reappear for a time.  When and whether that slots into your plans is another matter. 

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@Pro survivor

I don't claim to know definitively... but the following is what I've personally observed (or what has been posted by Hinterland) about the moose behavior:

There are various possible moose spawning points.  At the beginning of a survival sandbox, spawn points are pseudo-randomly selected from amongst the pool of possible spawn points.  Only one moose will spawn at a time, and that one moose will "migrate" between all the spawn points that were selected at the beginning of the run.  The longest I've seen the moose stay in one location has been 4 game days.  By this I mean, that the moose will change locations at some interval between 1 and 4 game days - though this duration may have changed in more recent updates, and it's also possible that a longer stay in one location may in truth result from the same location being selected for consecutive intervals.  Once successfully hunted, then the population respawn interval for the moose (at the selected difficulty) must pass before the migration process will begin again.

Ideally, I think I would like it if the timber wolf packs functioned in a similar fashion when they eventually escape Bleak Inlet and start invading other regions :D 

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14 hours ago, UTC-10 said:

IAs far as I know (which isn't much), only in Bleak Inlet does it appear that the moose will tend to be a fixture (there is not a whole lot else to hunt), in one of several areas,  though once killed it will take time before it respawns. 

This is interesting news! Has anyone confirmed the moose is a static spawn in Bleak Inlet? If so, that'd be a pretty good reason for Interlopers to risk the region.

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I have good news, if your patient enough to do it that is.....hunting a moose is possible, but you may need to prepare yourself for it. Iv done this multiple times now on stalker and if the same holds true on loper, then all you got to do Is the following.

Step one, locate the infamous scuffed trees that indicate a moose spawning area.
Step two, install a snow shelter in an area that has great visibility over the area where the moose spawns into.
Step three, pass time.

It can take a day, sometimes two, but more often than not the moose will spawn into the area after the weather clears up. Oh and he typically pops up early morning, so don't sleep in. :P

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A good spot for moose hunting is the marsh ridge in Forlorn Muskeg. If he’s not there pop over to mountain town a check the spawn location there, it only takes a few minutes.

The ridge is a relaxing place to hang out too.

Trappers works too but the other spawn point past the unnamed pond is a bit further away and the moose doesn’t seem to spawn in these points nearly as often. It’s really convenient when it does though, lots of meaty moosey goodness.

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9 hours ago, Jimmy said:

This is interesting news! Has anyone confirmed the moose is a static spawn in Bleak Inlet?

Personally, I really hope it's not a static spawn... 

Guaranteed "selected spawn point," sure... but I still prefer it when there is only one moose that spawns at any given time.  It makes you really have to hunt for it, if you really want it (or be really lucky and agile enough to take the opportunity when it arises).

Edited by ManicManiac
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I don't think the moose in Bleak Inlet is a static spawn - it seems to spawn in one of three areas in BI in my sandbox and wander around in those areas.  When I first went to BI lower I encountered over a relatively short period of days three moose (not at the same time), which is why I think of there being three areas where they can spawn.  I think that was a glitch that was adjusted as now in another sandbox I will see just one moose in one of those three areas.  I'd have to look but I don't recall seeing many trees with rubbing marks in any of those three areas.  They were just there. 

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