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Hello Hinterland community! 

Today I will be discussing my regards to future TLD updates and why Hinterland Studios should reflect onto my proposition involving a look into an update of felines. (SURVIVAL)

The Long Dark is a survival game taking place in the Canadian wilderness that requires the player to endure the gelid nature of the external environment. In story mode, you play the role of a crashed landed aviator who intends to seek out a fellow aeronaut undergoing harsh conditions and simultaneously must do what one must do in order to survive. Although Story Mode is still a work in progress, my curiosity aims at the Survival Mode. 

Now , the topic— felines.

As in game , Canadian fauna consists of the typical black bear , white tailed deer , wolf , snowshoe hare , moose , crow , and fish. 
Now , I am cognizant over the fact that TLD focuses on the exploration of a post apocalyptic world from the edge , isolated from man , aspire towards real life situations, scavenging and utilizing resources whatever one can stumble upon in this Quiet Apocalypse.

Feline such as Canadian Lynx , Cougar , or Bobcat would make a great asset to TLD , considering this fauna exists in Northern parts of Canada. Lynx , Cougar , and Bobcat all have interchangeable aliment. Prey towards these felines comprise of deer , moose , and hare ; all found in game. As for territory and behavior , I will go over all 3 simply.

Canadian Lynx.

Canadian Lynx prefer dense forest , but can tolerate habitat with rocky outcropping. Lynx in TLD should be few in citified region , (especially MT) and plentiful in TM , BI , DP,  and HRV, because of mainly because of terrain being mostly remote and plenty of snowcapped mountains. Lynx should be in every region , it would just make sense to put them in a more realistic area of the game , such as places a Canadian Lynx is accustomed to in real life. It’s primarily prey are snowshoe hare , and occasionally go for bigger prey , such as deer. Lynx are nocturnal , which means finding a sleeping lynx during the day would be generally normal. Their dens are usually in caves , rock crevices, and brush. Lynx roam alone, and are very territorial , so you shouldn’t really bother one.


Bobcats prefer forests , and similar to the Canadian Lynx , tolerate rocky area that provide hiding places. They also inhabit urban edge and forest edge , so seeing a bobcat in ML , MT , CH , and PV would be usual. Then again , bobcats range between the forestry and rural area , so a sighting one wouldn’t be surprising. Bobcats are crepuscular , and gradually become more diurnal during fall and winter transitions. Bobcats , like the Lynx , are very territorial , and mark their home range by clawing prominent trees in the area , so clawing would be another good asset to TLD.  Bobcats primarily prey are snowshoe hare , fish , and sometimes deer if they are lucky. 


Cougars tend to roam in areas whereas they seem hidden — such as rocky mountain or dark forest. They can tolerate rim rocks , escarpments, and dense bush as well. Cougars don’t usually attack humans unless they feel concerned or threatened , (so trying to scavenge a cougars prey would most likely would end in a fatal result.) After a kill , cougars usually bury the carcass and comes back to eat it later for additional meals. Cougars are very fast , so don’t think you can outrun one ! Cougars are considered nocturnal AND crepuscular , although daytime sightings do happen sometimes. So a cougar living in TM , BI , and FM would be realistic due to rocky terrain and jagged cliff/brush. Cougars are generalist predators , which means they will eat any animal they can catch , such as deer , hares , and even moose! Cougars are ambush predators , so careful where you step — for they can be lounging across ledges or higher ground spots above. Cougars are solitary animals , and are very territorial , and if you cone across scrape marks on trees , a cougar is somewhere near you ! 

To sum it all up , one of these three felines would make a huge difference in TLD , give it a even more realistic experience than it has already and will not take away the game’s atmosphere regarding the Quiet Apocalypse , and therefore something to consider adding to this amazing game ! Thanks for your time , I hope you consider this idea !



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Have to agree, game does feel like it could use some more wildlife and the candian lynx could fit in, however the cougar might be the best way to go. Sneaky predator that posses a threat to a full grown human, may not be the traditional threat of a wolf, but in a certain environment such as HRV, it would most defiantly fit the game. Spawn them in near the edges of big rocks and cliffs and such.

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On 1/26/2020 at 5:52 PM, bbyangie said:

Agreed. Though ; Cougars generally do not attack humans unless provoked , so stealing its prey wouldn’t really be smartest way to go.

We have had cases of cougars attacking humans in America, mostly towards the rockies. Crazy part is, the attacks are not just small or underage people, but full grown men and women in their 30's.....while I do agree its not common, it is still historically noted. And indeed, trying to steal a kill from a cougar would be bad judgement. 

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On 1/26/2020 at 7:07 PM, Silverhour said:

Personally I think Hinterland wasted an opportunity when bringing in the Timberwolves instead of mountain lions. The standard wolf AI and model could have been updated and Bleak Inlet could have had a big cat threat instead.


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  • 5 weeks later...

I have thought of the same thing. Cougars could be terrifying if they are introduced well. They stalk their prey after all and mostly spend their time on top of trees and rocks. It would encourage you to look up while traveling. They wouldn't charge at you like wolves just jump from tree to tree or roof to rock then drop down on you if you get too close OR turn your back at them and activate their hunting instinct, causing them to drop down and sneak after you.

Polar bears also show up in the northern parts of Canada and during the cold apocalypse the have a chance to roam south further than ever before. They could be the ultimate enemy that every animal runs from (black bear and moose included), would be even rarer than the moose, but blends into the snow easier, and kills you in one attack (since they are most merciless predators on earth).

Sea lions and greenland sharks could give you a fright close to open sea waters (while beach combing or traveling).

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