Faithful Cartographer Achievement Locations in The Long Dark [SPOILERS] - Updated w/ Bleak Inlet


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[SPOILERS for Survival Mode Gameplay!]

Below you'll find a list of locations in The Long Dark's Survival Mode. We hope these might be useful to you in completing the Faithful Cartographer Achievement. 

NOTE: In v1.19 of The Long Dark, we've released a fix for an issue with the Faithful Cartographer achievement that was keeping it from unlocking for many players. The fix is retroactive but may require performing one mapping action per region to update the Achievement “checklist”. 


In the list you'll see two categories - Icons and Location Triggers.

Icons: Major Locations and Region Transitions that you will see on your in-game map, when zoomed in or zoomed out.

Location Triggers: These also appear on your in-game map, but as text-only when zoomed out. 

As an example, we've cleared a portion of the Mystery Lake Region map to illustrate this for clarity:


Coastal Region
Icon - Abandoned Lookout
Icon - Quonset Garage
Icon - To Abandoned Mine
Icon - To Crumbling Highway
Icon - To Ravine
Location Trigger: Bear Creek Campground
Location Trigger: Coastal Townsite
Location Trigger: Commuter's Lament
Location Trigger: Fishing Camp
Location Trigger: Jackrabbit Island
Location Trigger: Log Sort
Location Trigger: Misanthrope's Homestead
Location Trigger: Rabbit Grove
Location Trigger: Rockfall
Location Trigger: Silent Clearing
Location Trigger: The Tooth
Location Trigger: Train Unloading
Location Trigger: Waterfront Cottages

Coastal Mountain Region
Icon - Abandoned Mine
Icon - Abandoned Lookout
Icon - Quonset Garage
Location Trigger - Rabbit Grove
Location Trigger - Bear Creek Campground
Location Trigger - Log Sort
Location Trigger - Coastal Townsite
Location Trigger - Commuter's Lament
Location Trigger - Train Unloading
Location Trigger - Fishing Camp
Location Trigger - Silent Clearing
Location Trigger - Jackrabbit Island
Icon - Leave Coastal Highway
Icon - Leave Coastal Highway
Location Trigger - Abandoned Lookout
Location Trigger - Misanthrope's Homestead
Location Trigger - The Tooth
Location Trigger - Rockfall
Location Trigger - Waterfront Cottages

Crash Mountain Region
Icon - Mountaineer's Hut
Icon - Tail Section
Icon - To Pleasant Valley
Icon - Wing
Icon - Wing
Location Trigger - Andre's Peak
Location Trigger - Crystal Lake
Location Trigger - Deer Clearing
Location Trigger - Echo Peak East
Location Trigger - Echo Peak West
Location Trigger - Echo Ravine
Location Trigger - Engine
Location Trigger - Engine
Location Trigger - Eric's Falls
Location Trigger - Landing Gear
Location Trigger - Secluded Shelf 
Location Trigger - Summit

Dam River Transition Zone
Icon - Carter Hydro Dam
Icon - To Cave System

Highway Transition Zone
Icon - To Costal Highway
Icon - To No. 3 Coal Mine

Location Trigger - Abandoned Harris Home
Location Trigger - Road Collapse 
Location Trigger - The Arch

Lake Region
Icon - Camp Office
Icon - Carter Hydro Dam
Icon - Forestry Lookout
Icon - To Cave System
Icon - To Forlorn Muskeg
Icon - To Ravine
Icon - Trapper's Homestead 
Location Trigger - Alan's Cave
Location Trigger - Clearcut
Location Trigger - Dave's Quiet Clearing
Location Trigger - Deadfall Area
Location Trigger - Derailment
Location Trigger - Destroyed Lookout
Location Trigger - Frozen Creek
Location Trigger - Ice Fishing Huts 
Location Trigger - Lake Overlook
Location Trigger - Lake Trail
Location Trigger - Logging Camp
Location Trigger - Max's Last Stand
Location Trigger - Rail Tunnel
Location Trigger - Train Loading Area 
Location Trigger - Unnamed Pond

Marsh Region
Icon - Poacher's Camp 
Icon - Shortwave Tower
Icon - Shortwave Tower
Icon - Shortwave Tower
Icon - To Broken Railway
Icon - To Cave System
Icon - To Mountain Town (Milton)
Icon - To Mystery Lake
Location Trigger - Bunkhouses
Location Trigger - Hat Creek
Location Trigger - Marsh Ridge
Location Trigger - Muskeg Overlook
Location Trigger - Old Spence Family Homestead
Location Trigger - Waterfall

Mountain Town Region
Icon - Crashed Plane
Icon - Hermit's Cabin
Icon - Orca Gas Station
Icon - Paradise Meadows Farm
Icon - Spruce Falls Bridge
Icon - St. Christopher's Church
Icon - To Cave System
Icon - To Cave System
Icon - To Forlorn Muskeg 
Location Trigger - Cave
Location Trigger - Crashed Prison Transport Bus
Location Trigger - Graveyard
Location Trigger - Milton Basin
Location Trigger - Milton Park
Location Trigger - Old Schoolhouse
Location Trigger - Picnic Area
Location Trigger - Radio Tower 
Location Trigger - Rocky Refuge
Location Trigger - The Arch
Location Trigger - Town of Milton
Location Trigger - Wood Lot
Location Trigger - Wood Lot
Location Trigger - Wood Lot

Ravine Transition Zone
Icon - Enter Bleak Inlet Region
Icon - To Coastal Highway
Icon - To Mystery Lake
Location Trigger - Raven Falls Trestle
Location Trigger - Ravine Basin

River Valley Region
Icon - To Cave System
Location Trigger - Banner Falls
Location Trigger - Cloudtop Falls
Location Trigger - Hushed River
Location Trigger - Lake Cave
Location Trigger - Landslide
Location Trigger - Little Bear and Cub Falls
Location Trigger - Lonely Cave
Location Trigger - Long Shot Falls
Location Trigger - Mammoth Falls
Location Trigger - Many Falls Vista
Location Trigger - Monolith Lake
Location Trigger - Moose Overlook
Location Trigger - Mysterious Signal Fire
Location Trigger - Mysterious Signal Fire
Location Trigger - Offset Falls
Location Trigger - Peak Cave
Location Trigger - Pensive Vista
Location Trigger - Quarrelling Falls
Location Trigger - Reclusive Falls
Location Trigger - Stairsteps Lake
Location Trigger - Twin Sisters Falls
Location Trigger - Valley Cave
Location Trigger - Valley View Point
Location Trigger - Watchful Falls 

Rural Region
Icon - Barn
Icon - Community Hall
Icon - Farmhouse 
Icon - Signal Hill
Icon - Three Strikes Farmstead
Icon - To Abandoned Mine 
Icon - To Cave System 
Icon - To Timberwolf Mountain
Location Trigger - Burned Ridge Cave
Location Trigger - Cascading Falls
Location Trigger - Contemplation Bridge
Location Trigger - Derelict Cabins
Location Trigger - End of the Road 
Location Trigger - Heartbreak Bridge 
Location Trigger - Hilltop Cave
Location Trigger - Lonely Homestead
Location Trigger - Long Curve
Location Trigger - Lower Falls
Location Trigger - Misty Falls Picnic Area
Location Trigger - Pensive Pond 
Location Trigger - Picnic Spot 
Location Trigger - Point of Disagreement
Location Trigger - Skeeter's Ridge
Location Trigger - Thomson's Crossing
Location Trigger - Upper Falls

Tracks Region
Icon - Hunting Lodge
Icon - Maintenance Shed
Icon - To Forlorn Muskeg
Location Trigger - Broken Bridge 
Location Trigger - Hunter's Blind 
Location Trigger - Landslide
Location Trigger - Locomotive Engine
Location Trigger - Rickety Foot Bridge 

Whaling Station Region
Icon - Hibernia Processing 
Icon - Lonely Lighthouse
Icon - Stone Church
Icon - The Riken
Icon - To No. 3 Coal Mine
Location Trigger - Blocked Highway
Location Trigger - Broken Bridge
Location Trigger - Katie's Secluded Corner 
Location Trigger - Little Island 
Location Trigger - Matt's Truck 
Location Trigger - Waterfall 

Cannery Region 
Icon - Echo One Radio Tower
Icon - Fallen Lighthouse
Icon - Last Resort Cannery
Icon - To Cave System
Icon - To Ravine
Icon - Workshop 
Location Trigger - Cannery Worker Residences
Location Trigger - Coastal Highway Terminus
Location Trigger - Frozen Delta
Location Trigger - Landslide
Location Trigger - Long Bridge
Location Trigger - Lower Raven Falls
Location Trigger - Pensive Lookout
Location Trigger - Raven Crossing
Location Trigger - Ravine's End Waterfall 
Location Trigger - Summit at Ravine's End
Location Trigger - Washed Out Trailers

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Thank you so much for this update, but I'm also experiencing an issue relevant to the thread:

I just submitted a ticket... but I thought I might post here as well in case other's were seeing the same thing I am.  In the lower right hand corner (and spanning up a little over half of the edge of the map) of the Pleasant Valley map won't mark resources, caves, cars, or a vital location listed on the updated list posted here.

Below I've included my charcoal maps (both zoomed out and zoomed in) for reference.
*Obscured for those don't want to see the images enclosed*

My estimation of where the missing icons "should" be are admittedly estimations and may not be pixel perfect.

@Admin is this something that the team is already tracking?



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I just want to say thank you! I achieved the trophy on PS4 some days ago. The previous version helped a lot to get this done. Also thanks to the whole community and the forum. All the informations were very very helpful! At the end I was a little bit pround that I managed to get the trophy without the location list for BI :D

One thing should be noticed: "Location Trigger - Rural Crossroads" is now called Thomson's Crossing like in episode 3. Also I had the same issue like ManicManiac. In my case the "Icon - Abandoned Mine" does not show up properly when zoomed out like a icons should work in your description. It is only visible when zoomed in. Anyway, this wasn't an issue for me to achieve the trophy.

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I'm relieved to know I'm not the only one seeing that bit of oddness with the mapping.  Interesting that the achievement unlocks in spite of the mapping issue in that region (I'm glad though, as this is my third attempt at my own personal challenge that includes earning this achievement among many other self imposed stipulations)


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First of all thank you for the places and this great game.

I have explored and sketched 282 locations including the list of locations from above. What have I forgotten so far that I have not received the Faithfull Cartographer trophy?

Unfortunately, there is no Icon "Last Resort Cannery" in Bleak Inlet. Just like Rural Crossroads in Pleasant Valley.


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At least as of the last hotfix, there is still an issue with various items not showing up on the Pleasant Valley map (regardless of how much charcoal I try to use to map it).  I submitted my ticket and sent the team my save file... is there any word on how that's coming along?  I'd really like to be able to finish my map for Pleasant Valley before moving to the next region to continue working on my personal challenge.

I just wanted to check with you folks to see if there was any word.  -  or would it be better to try and follow up via email?

On ‎1‎/‎7‎/‎2020 at 8:16 AM, ManicManiac said:

…but I thought I might post here as well in case other's were seeing the same thing I am.  In the lower right hand corner (and spanning up a little over half of the edge of the map) of the Pleasant Valley map won't mark resources, caves, cars, or a vital location listed on the updated list posted here.

Below I've included my charcoal maps (both zoomed out and zoomed in) for reference.
*Obscured for those don't want to see the images enclosed*

My estimation of where the missing icons "should" be are admittedly estimations and may not be pixel perfect.

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On 1/21/2020 at 6:47 PM, Flexi said:

Thank you.

Now i have 284 locations, but unfortunately not a trophy.

What is the maximum number of locations?

I have 285 locations.


There were  couple of places where I should have sketched the map but forgot, so there might be more locations. Most of these places were mapped months ago with only Bleak Inlet and a couple of areas in PV remapped in the past few days.



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Hi, I would like to tell you that I too was worried about the Faithful Cartographer achievement not showing up due to the Abandoned Mine Icon (bottom lower right portion of the map) not being mapped in Pleasant Valley. I had the same issue too that it was not showing up no matter where I was standing.

But to help ease anyone's mind going for the achievement, I would like to confirm that mine still unlocked! (Unlocked on Jan 30th, 2020)
So if anyone can't get that Abandoned Mine icon to show up, don't worry.

But for anyone still gunning for the achievement, to be on the safe side I would still go map that area if you haven't already done so. What I would do is enter the mine and then walk back out and then map it just to be sure!

Anyways, I hope this helps relieve anyone's worries for this achievement! You should still get it!

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I appreciate the feed back, and your confirmation... and congratulations on the achievement. :) 
For me that achievement is part of a larger challenge I'm putting myself though (linked in my last post on the thread).  One of those extra rules is to not leave a region until the map is 100% complete... silly I know, but it's the challenge I put myself up against.

If I do eventually decide to just move on and swing back around later, then I suppose I at least have two confirmations now that Faithful Cartographer will still unlock regardless of those particular mapping issues.  (I say two because another player also confirmed that the achievement still worked after a previous update that caused some named locations to change designations)


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Got my achievement today. Followed numerous guides separate from this a few months ago after episode 3 release, however was never able to get the achievement.

Only after this was updated, found i was missing the cave in mountain town near the arch, which was something missing from all of the other guides.

Good luck everyone else. You will get there.


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Do you have to walk through the ice-caves in HRV? Or do you have to map all four entries?

And has someone located a prepper cache in ML? I walked through the whole map today (with complete map from the wiki) and found nothing... not even one single cache. The two caches in PV are still there.

I don't know why i can't unlock the achievement with 286 locations. In my topic (

) i talked about Milton Basin not unlocking, but that problem solved today after mapping the whole basin. You can see this in the picture with the nametag "Milton-Talkessel" which means Milton Basin in english.

@Lameballs Congrats for the achievement! Did you locate "Lookout" in ML in the top left corner? So do you have a nametag on your map? It would be a big help to see your maps of all regions to verify and maybe to locate my missing part :) 

The ice-cave in HRV is the only thing i could do, but if that fails i have no other solution to get the achievement.




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For those of you who have unlocked the achievement after the Episode 3 update, how many locations do you have listed? I have 281 right now, but it looks like you can get as high as 286 from what I'm reading. In any case, it seems like 278 is the threshold for 100% on the in-game tracker. I really don't know what I'm missing at this point. And I'm aggravated that something can say 100% but the achievement won't unlock. 

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1 hour ago, Cellar_Attic said:

For those of you who have unlocked the achievement after the Episode 3 update, how many locations do you have listed? I have 281 right now, but it looks like you can get as high as 286 from what I'm reading. In any case, it seems like 278 is the threshold for 100% on the in-game tracker. I really don't know what I'm missing at this point. And I'm aggravated that something can say 100% but the achievement won't unlock. 

finally managed it a week or two back. 288 locations for me.  Nearly did it prior to episode 3, stupidly died after forgetting to bandage a wound and sleeping for 10 hrs, when I would've mapped the last location the next morning... 

a couple of hints- don't forget some places are location triggers and icons (it is possible to map one but not the other at certain angles), and also a few places such as PV mine entrance and DP lighthouse can be really hard to get on the map, you need to try various elevations sometimes to hit the sweet spot.

hope you get there soon, I think when I managed it only 0.6% of players have done it so worth persevering! 

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1 hour ago, Valuable Hunting Knife said:

finally managed it a week or two back. 288 locations for me.  Nearly did it prior to episode 3, stupidly died after forgetting to bandage a wound and sleeping for 10 hrs, when I would've mapped the last location the next morning... 

a couple of hints- don't forget some places are location triggers and icons (it is possible to map one but not the other at certain angles), and also a few places such as PV mine entrance and DP lighthouse can be really hard to get on the map, you need to try various elevations sometimes to hit the sweet spot.

hope you get there soon, I think when I managed it only 0.6% of players have done it so worth persevering! 

Thanks for replying. That number, while somewhat daunting given all the ground I thought I covered, at least gives me something to aim for! Guess I'll review the locations listed above and my in-game maps to make sure the locations and icons are present.

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Can someone who unlocked the achievement post screenshots of every single region? 

I double-checked with the list above and 'only' got 286 locations and don't know, how to get 288.

I think Hinterland should bring an official list of locations and icons. Or they fix some bugs in PV, especially the coal-mine icon...

Before i don't unlock the achievement i won't start a new survival game, so i don't play TLD at the moment, because i have no solution of how to unlock it :/ (Or can you start two different survival games and switch between them?)

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7 hours ago, mrxy2013 said:

Can someone who unlocked the achievement post screenshots of every single region? 

I double-checked with the list above and 'only' got 286 locations and don't know, how to get 288.

I think Hinterland should bring an official list of locations and icons. Or they fix some bugs in PV, especially the coal-mine icon...

Before i don't unlock the achievement i won't start a new survival game, so i don't play TLD at the moment, because i have no solution of how to unlock it :/ (Or can you start two different survival games and switch between them?)

a couple of points, don't get too hung up on location numbers, I think some locations (such as church in desolation point, for example) don't count towards the achievement, so that's not the best judge of how close you are to getting it.  In other words, I think it's possible that you could get the achievement with, say, 275 locations, but equally someone else could not have it with 285 locations- it has to be the right locations.  I did need to be quite specific and check off everything on the Hinterland list to make sure.

I play on PC via Steam, and i can switch between multiple survival games (for me it's my main voyageur mapping/ 500 days run, and my latest doomed attempt to get beyond 60 days in interloper 😏), you just need to go to load game rather than continue if you want to switch between.

hope that helps, if I have time I'll try and post some screenshots at some point.


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