"Leave Coastal Highway" through the mine


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With the new mineshaft added in the latest update by the log sort, it says "leave coastal highway" when entering, but it doesn't actually leave the region. You can go through it with the aurora active, but it's blocked off in every path you take. So you can't actually go to Pleasant Valley. It doesn't even connect to the old mineshaft at the top of Coastal Highway. 

This in my opinion is wasted opportunity. I think the old mineshaft should be scrapped or blocked off, and this new mineshaft should be the one that is opened up. But make it mandatory to have the aurora running to get through. That way, the only means of getting to Pleasant Valley from Coastal Highway is through a dangerous mine, in the dark. with the aurora going. 

Not only does this make travelling harder, but it gives even more purpose the aurora. It's using the environment to your advantage. It makes you put yourself at risk to get somewhere. It also fits the game perfectly as well. It's also not hard to implement since it already exists in Wintermute. 

I'm sure many others would agree that this is a good idea.

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